Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Preparatory Table for finding the Values of Annuities, &e. on Two Joint Lives. 
(Carlisle 5 per Cent) 
Difference of Age Eight Years. 
oY Ages. D. N. Ages. D. N. 
i rere rrr | meee arin Sas mmm] rie ee my! s————— et 
8. 0& 8| 44238221,  473477509.3 | 48 & 5611176775.8 10020102.0 
20 1.. 9] 35413056.1 438064453.2 | 49,. 57)1084124.0 8935978. 0 
8. 2..10| 30850577.2 407213876.0 * 50.. 58, 997690.1 7938887.9 
4 3..11| 27350767,4 379863108.6 51.. 59 914189.6 7024698.3 
a 4.,12| 24939188.8 354923919,& ! 52.. 60 8339477 6190750.6 
0 5..13| 22954055.9 331969863.9 ; 53.. 61 755969.0 5434781.6 
$0 6..14| 21360566.1 310609297.8 ~ 54.. 62 682996.0 4751785 .6 
WY 7..15| 19982508.5 290626789.3 . 55.. 63 615560.3 4136225.3 
no 8..16| 18746791.9 271879997.4 , 56.. 64 553718.8 3582506.5 
- 9..17 17617645.9 254262351.5 | 57.. 65 496756.7 3085749.8 
WN. 10..18| 16578010.7 237684340.8 j 58.. 66 444183.1 2641566.7 
u 11..19| 15608270.9 222076069.9 | 59.. 67 395247.3 2246319.4 
12..20| 14689644.4 207386425.5 | 60., 68; 349546.4 1896773.0 
13..21) 13821899.6 193564525.9 f 61.. 69 306807.3 1589965.7 
14..22! 13004541.6 180559984.3 h 62.. 70 267905.1 1322060.6 
15,.23] 12230704.8 168329279.5 } 63.. 71 232918.9 1089141.7 
16..24 11494645.6 156834633.9 | 64.. 72 200787.6 888334.1 
17..25. 10796712.4 146037921.5 | 65.. 73 171111.2 717242.9 
18..26] 10136797.7 135901123.8 | 66.., 74 144060,1 573182.8 
19..27 9516240.7 126384883.1 * 67.. 75 119523.6 453659.2 
a 20..28| 8929634.4 117455248.7 ) 68.. 76 98388.3 355270.9 
af 21..29; 8370911,2 109084337.5 | 69.. 77 80150.1 275120.8 
Bn 22..30| 7839116.6 '01245220.9 | 70.. 78 64787.0 210333.8 
pe 23..31] 7338709.5 93906511.4 | 71.. 79 52147.5 158186.27 
24,.32) 6869190.0 87037321.4 | 72,. 80 41207.01 116979.26 
od 25..33| 6429877.1 80607444.3 73.. 81 32119.60 84859.66 
hp 26..34] 6017802.7 74589641.6 74.. 82 24426.95 60432.71 
ar 27..35] 5631250.9 68958390.7 75.. 83 18188.25 42244.46 
ph 28.3) 5266851.4 63691539.3 76.. 84 13303.54 28940.92 
: 29,.37! 4919946.7 58771592.6 77.. 85 9560.69 19380.23 
i. 30..38 4589249.2 54182343.4 . 78.. 86 6702.67 12677.56 
pi 31,.39, 4278243.8 49904099.6 : 79.. 87 4588.25 8089.311 
8 32.40] 3985034.6 45919065.0 ' 80.. 88  3019.413 5069.898 
3.54 33..411 3707966.9 42211098.1 81., 89  1970.409 3099489 
7.138 34. 49] 3447745.6 38763352.5 82.. 90  1275.233 1824.256 
1.4510 35..43| 3203514.6 35559837.9 ¢ 83.. 91 771.705 1052.5508 
17.4809 36..44| 2975638.4  32584199.5 | 84.. 92 445.7605 606.7901 
5.248 37..45 2762543.7 29821655.8 ' 85.. 93 257.1277 349.6624 
34.7000 38..46/ 2563896.2 27257759.6 ' 86.. 94 149.5999 200.0625 
{1,168 39..47 2378763.9 24878995.7 t 87.. 95 86.1846 113.8779 
8.1367 40..48] 2205891.8 22673103.9 | 88.. 96 49.3223 64.5556 
$23 41..49] 2044633.2 20628470.7 89,. 97 28.6807 35.8749 
3,91154 42.,50| 1894167.8 18734302.9 ' 90.. 98 16.6672 | 19.2077 
1.316 43,.51| 1754183.5 16980119.4 91.. 99 9.2224 9.985253 
{A 44,.52] 1622760.2 15337359.2 92..100° 5.133031 4.852222 
040 45,.53) 1499470.8 13857888.4 93..101 2.737616 2.114606 
355975 46..54 1384200.5 12473687.9 94..102 1.379498 .735108 
LL 47..55' 1276810.1 11196877.8 * 95..103 591214 .143894 

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