Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Preparatory Table for finding the Values of Annuities, &c. on Two Joint Lives. 
(Carlisle 5 per Cent.) 
Difference of Age Fourteen Years. 
335 pe 
Id Ages. D. N. Ages. D. N. 
Ba a _ A———— TT TTT— Et See ete Mitta Sc auteecassvtatt et Sgt J 
i 0&14| 31996055.  334930273.2 45 & 59 996167.5 8006856.3 
0.0 1..15| 25640279.7 309289993.5 46.. 60' 908254.1 7098632.2 
2..16] 22312009.5 286977984.0 47.. 61 823649.0 6274983 .2 
i.) 3..17| 19735755.9 267241228.1 48., 62 745311.4 5529671.8 
al 4..18! 17958656.2 249282571.9 + 49.. 63! 673746.1 4855925.7 
Ul | 
i 5..19 16496566.2 232786005.7 50.. 64 608675.2 4247250.5 
0 0 6..20 15323135.2 217462870.5 | 51.. 65 549166.7 3698083.8 
7..21 14312438.1 203150432.4 52.. 66 494359.0 3203724.8 
q 8..22 13417156.1 189733276.3 53.. 67 443954.8 2759770.0 
a 9..23 12605391.4 177127884.,9 | 54.. 68 397521.5 2362248.5 
q 10..24 11859992.1 165267892.8 " 55.. 69 354906.7 2007341.8 
Bo 11..25 11164762.5 154103130.3 56.. 70 315646.7 1691695. 1 
12..26 10504453.6 143598676.7 57.. 71 279673.7 1412021.4 
al 13..27. 9880877.3 133717799.4 58.. 72 245442.6 1166578.8 
1 14..28 9288872.7 124428926.7 59.. 73 212356.5 954022,3 
il 15..20, 8721141.2 115707785.5 4 60.. 74 181344.5 772677.8 
Bs 16..30 8173307.0 107534478.5 ' 61.. 75 151874.0 620803.8 
oi. 17..31 7653770.7  99880707.8 62.. 76 126143.7 494660,1 
; 18..32, 7165025.7  92715682.1 63.. 77 103734.9 390925.2 
os 19..33) 6707677.7  86008004.4 « 64.. 78 4808.5 306116.7 
ili. 2 20..34" 6279715.3  79728289.1 | 65.. 79 69117.8 236998.93 
HIS 21,.35 5878158.8  73850130.3 ' 66.. 80 55647.73 181351.20 
dl 22..36 5502338.7  68347791.6 * 67.. 81 44568.58 136782.62 
23..37 5148761.5  63199030.13. 68.. 82 35134.46 101648.16 
iva 24,.38 4816190.2  58382%39.9 | 69,. 83 27418.11 74230.05 
1936.70 25..39 4503454.8  53879385.1 i 70.. 84 21083.69 53146.36 
1.6 26..40, 4207066.2  49672318.9 } 71.. 85 16018.90 37127.46 
15.72 27..41 3925484.8  45746834.1 | 72.. 86 11841.54 25285.92 
28..42 3658416.4  42088417.7 | 73.. 87 8476.18 16809.74 
9.21 29..43' 3404256,9  38684160.8 74.. 88 5832.88 10976.86 
56.204 30..44| 3163473.1  35520687.7 | 75.. 89 3943.17 7033.69 
45.3004 31..45 2938260.6 ~~ 32582427.1  76.. 90 2664.79 4368.90 
M736 32..46] 2728767.4  29853659.7 ' 77.. 91 1683.37 2685.532 
33..47 2534384.0  27319275.7 78.. 92  1022.1:31 1663.401 
33.5487 34..48 2354545.0  24964730.7 79... 93 624.618 1038.7830 
10.0073 35..49, 2188725.0  22776005.7 ! 80.. 94 388.4710 650.3120 
26,1837 36..50) 2034888.4  20741117.3 , 8l.. 95 243.7043 406.6077 
13.917 37..51, 1591809.2  18849308.1 ' 82.. 96! 154.1322 252.4755 
38.52] 1756693.8  17092614.3 83.. 97 98.7185 153.7570 
{1.71730 39..53! 1629211.3  15463403.0 84.. 98 62.0915 91.6655 
9.40733 10..54] 1508442.8  13954960.2 85.. 99 39.0852 52.58026 
1450 41..55| 1393971.8  12560988.4 86..100 25.11762 927 .46264 
japon 42..56] 1285837.7  11275150,7 87.,101 15.00619 12.45645 
43..57! 1184073.6  10091077.1 88..102 8.00108 4.45537 
44..58 1088023.3 9003053.8 ' 89.,103" 3.56699 .88838 

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