Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

om o Joint Lives, 
af Li tory Tables for finding the Values of Annuities, &e, on Tw 
ink Lives, Preparatory (Carlisle 3 per Cent.) 
Difference of Age Twelve Years. _ 
D. N. 
N. Ages. 
Ages. ! D, — —— — Tm —— = 
—_ ee 2902046. 1 17713767.7 
0 &12| 44888312. 639220763.9 | 51 & 63 2202048 ] I7157e7.7 
0 &12 5.51 52.4 64/2026747. 
: 1 13 es Jlsonilads. gan, 65/1860736.4 138262837 
4” 2..14' 32579862.4 369951483.1 33. . AE snares 
j 3..15| 29414094.0 540537389. 1 54. S10] 4 Ie tes 
116) 27303734.1 513233655.0 55. : 
T+ Balt reed Se 1419210.0 9145125. 
5..17| 256574373.7 AG | 1288907.7 78562212 
=o 18] 24218853.0 463440428, x $0/1088007.7 6691173.3 
at 23062938.4 140377489.9 58. . 2165047, Setdidl 3 
3 5120 2503861005 lisaassir.d 59.. 71 Dis79e0 RS odaa. 
} ..21 21105889.2 397232958.2 . 60. 2 , 
A 9..2) 2 547.8 | 61.. 73] 812693.3 3902351, 
10..22, 20245410.4 Jopsradr.3 fet 7 Sioas.s 3200994. 
{8.1 23, 19430642.1 357556905. 5 596355. 1 2604639 .7 
we a B 18641533.8 338915371.9 | 63., 75} Nadal 2100990. 7 
il 32: 2 17880344.7 321035027.2 64.. 7 421184.5 1679806 .2 
f. 1350 Aiasaeny 303891741.6 | 65. . Bg 
a 14.. 71 66+. 78 349989.9 . 
15..27 16430054.9 287461686. | 66. 79) 289948.8 1039867, 47 
t eS LT TT ne 
3 SE 37079.1 : oo : 68 } 
55 Jon BTS 2423393147 © 69... 81 Dosa PERE 
a 18..30, 681.5 228638633.2 70.. 82 . 
oo 32, 13073568.1 215565065.1 § 71.. 84 94656. 60 239028.77 
8.5% 20.82 12475490.9 203089574.2 | 72.. lao 166988. 73 
Rl 22.734 11907105.6 191180000 6 | a iy 113812.39 
ip 22.. ‘ 8 179819569.8 74... 86. be 75927 .34 
44.30 23..35 11362898. 5.. 87 37885.05 
: ze 1866.7 168977703.1 75.. 
fy i LRT 88 26075.03 49852.31 
Bi.40 37, 10341134.,0 158636569,1 76.. 89 17716.79 32135.52 
ial 25+.» | 858314,8 148778254.3 77.. 14.79 20090.73 
Ba 35.93 93943073 0s OTE. 20 12040,72 12384.7634 
04.14 27. +39, : 3 130441086.9 ; 794s. 31 7 ’ 75 7673.5859 
40.69 28..40 8942600. I 80.. 92 4711.1775 
peg & 194684,6 .21946402.3 | 80., : 
£36.62 29. .41 849 . 81 93 2892.3930 4781. 1929 
Ca 30..42| 8053721.1 Jat "52.7 94 1501.7679 2979,4250 
$25,3804 31..43" 7628906.4 06263774, 83.. 95  1127.3868 1852.0382 
fia : 224210.4  99039564.4 712.5412 1139.4970 
fire 0. 92199557.0  84.. Sa 12-5412 684.0669 
71.0445 LE Bet ss . B35. B 
ie Shilpa 283.6260 400.4409 
5.08 $197 79590893.7 } 86., 98 74.5015 925.9394] 
415.0641 795908 
3. 979.1 4.5015 
- 85..47| 613197 . 87.. 99 174. i 
) 4633 36.48) 5506254.4 i 88..100 108164457 37. Jou 
J vila oe > ~ 4 . "se > od 
0.67 D0 oandl J Cases SRE. 10k 64.0054 ei 
13,9950 38.150) ls 58140981.8 ! 90..102 34. 2 i 
0.137 58:001 4034192, 5 91.108  14.99949 3.467 
igs US aE aig OT 
” LN] 8 v 
3.01866 41..53 4403148. 730027 
43.55) 3902175.6 Silg 
44..56! 3666364.5 : 
: 2.0 33915159.4 
eae lon srr ones 
I ras, Lnactans: 
1.00] 7om00nd Sabeniris 
33.0010 5 22304110.7 
..61| 2586636.5 22304110. 
fut] 2388296.9 19915313. 8

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