Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Preparatory Tables for finding the Values of Annuities, &c, on Two Joint Lives, 
(Carlisle 3 per Cent.) 
Difference of Age Sixteen Years. 
nl Ages, D. N. Ages. D. N. 
03," S—————— SE ————— eC — ane asrae  T Tr — — 
13, 0 &16] 39016482. 542055178.8 46 & 62 2529519.9 21724118.5 
83, 1..17| 31835335.6 510219843.2 47.. 63 2328950.6 19395167.9 
St 2..18| 28220260.2 481999583.0 - 48.. 64 2142873.3 17252294.6 
3..19| 25441282.0 456558301.0 49.. 65 1969879.6 15282415.0 
11.8 4..20| 23596453.4 132961847.6 | 50., 66 1808831.6 13473583.4 
a 5..21| 22094059.5 410867788.1 | 51.. 67 1658945.2 11814638.2 
7. 6..22| 20922346.8 389945441.3 | 52., 68 1517135.4 10297502.8 
30.0 7..23| 19923130.7 370022310.6 * 53., 69 1383178,2 8914324 .6 
8..24: 19037666.4 350984644.2 | 54., 70 1256323.1 7658001,5 
3.9 9,.25 18231325.1 332753319.1 ! 55., 71 1137193.8 6520807.7 
8 10..26/ 17481550.9 315271768.2 1 56., 72 1020474.0 5500333.7 
9 11..27, 16771695.7 298500072.5 57.. 73 905711.0 4594622 ,7 
5 12..28| 16078829.8 282421242.7 58.. 74 793700.2 3800922.5 
13..29| 15397350,0 267023892.7 59.. 75 684129.5 3116793.0 
. 14,.30! 14725259.6 252298633.1 60.. 76 583771.3 2533021,7 
i 15..31 14073747.5 238224885.6 61.. 77 491381.9 2041639,8 
+ ka 16..32| 13440658.4 224784227.2 62.. 78 410579.2 1631060.6 
Sa 17..33| 12830341.9 211953885.3 63.. 79 341953.4 1289107.21 
AN 18..34' 12246175.6 199707709.7 64., 80 281487.63 1007619.58 
63 19..35 11686835.0 188020874,7 | 65.. 81 230478.01 777141.57 
il Bi 20..36] 11151320.4 176869554.3 66.., 82, 185859.22 591282.35 
ha 21..37! 10636645.2 166232909.1 | 67., 83, 148468.71 442813 .64 
9.12 92..38 10143793.8 156089115.3 i 68.. 84 116962.52 325851.12 
ih. 23..39 9670258.1 146418857.2 | 69.., 85 91087.19 234763.93 
0.5 24..,40 92i1749.4 137207107.8 | 70.. 86 69351.66 165412.27 
a4 25..41, B8764522.8 128442585.0 | 71.. 87. 51501,06 113911.21 
863, 26..42| 8330648.0 120111937.0 72... 88 36883.69 77027.52 
ds. 27..43| 7913026.9 112198910.1 ' 73., 89, 26034.16 50993.36 
03.1% 23,.44| 7511715.0 104687195,1 74.,. 90  18280.66 32712.70 
5 29..456! 7122507.7 97564687.4 75.., 91 11940.34 20772.363 
436. 0 
1117.77 30..46] 6745699.0 90818988.4 « 76.. 92, 7489.438 13282.925 
r346. 051 31..47] 6387001,7 84431986.7 77.. 93, 4696.250 8586.675 
£30,554 32. .48, 6048055.3 78383931.4 78.. 94 3014.544 5572.131 
14.0063 33..491 5731418.7 72652512.7 79.. 951i 1956.188 3615.9434 
34..50" 5433179.6 67219333,1 ' 80., 96! 1283.6516 2332.2918 
5.3992 35..51| 5151312.4 62068020.7 {| 81.. 97 856.6178 1475.6740 
164. 1304 36..52| 4879227.8 57188792.9 | 82.. 98 560.2967 915.3773 
(52. 26793 37..53| 4615878.3 52572914.6 ' 83.. 99 367.2785 548.09884 
3.87841 38..54| 4361207.5 48211707.1 84..100 247 .72835 300.37049 
39..551 4116158.3 44095548.8 | 85..101 157.36146 143.00903 
11,3004 40..56| 3878032.6 40217516.2 ' 86..102, 89.99929 53.00974 
LI 41..57| 3645509.4 36572006.8 87..103 42,28426 10.72548 
42..58| 3417631.9 33154374.9 
43..59] 3191236.1 29963138.8 
44,.60| 2966783.8 26996355.0 
45..61' 2742716.6 24253638.4 

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