Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Preparatory Table for finding the Values of Annuities, &c. on Two Joint Lives. 
(Carlisle 6 per Cent.) 
Difference of Age Fifty-Three Years—continued. 
‘ Ages. D. N. 1 Ages, D. N. 
353. 38&91 2715.54 5856.008 | 45 & 98 219.148 470.959 
HB 39..02  1809.451 | 4046.557 | 46.. 99] 160.035 310.9239 
1814.94 40..93  1214.464 2832.093 | 47..100! 121,6970 189.2269 
NIZ.15 41..94 837.645 1994.448 | 48..101 87.9913 101.2356 
6.73 42,.95 584.508 1409.940 1 49..102 58.4671 42,7685 
193.04 43,.96 416.680 993,260 | 50,.103 32.6417 10.1268 
5.75 44..97 303.153 690.107 
819,57 _ tig 
3.0 Difference of Age Fifty-Four Years, 
1673.83 — 
35.3 Ages. D. N. Ages. D. N. 
383.0 ee — ————— i orm ms en ete 
a 0&54 1781551. 11897669.1 25& 79 63674.4 248173.43 
090.361 1..55 1398020.3 | 10499648.8  26.. 80  52570.08 195603.35 
mm 2..56 1190845.0 9308803.8 27.. 81 43236.84 152366.51 
Beit 3..57 1030547.4 §278256.4 28., 82  35056.90 117309.61 
i 4,.58 915779.8 7362476.6 29.., 83 28172.38 89137.23 
a 17 5..50  818816.6 6543660.0 § 30.. 84 22345.80 66791.43 
50.106 6..60  737265.0 5806395.0 ° 31.. 85 17554.35 49237 ,08 
i 7..61  663983.4 5142411.6 32,. 86 13518.54 35718. 54 
154.203 8..62 598671.0  4543740.6 33.. 87 10181.87 25536.67 
ih 9..63  540079.6 4003661.0 + 34.. 88 7453.00 18083.67 
Hp 10..64 487530.0  3516131.0 35.. 89 5429.80 12653.87 
9.1860 11..65  439659.6 3076471.4 36.. 90 3977.48 8676.39 
2.089 12..66 ~~ 395814.2 2680657.2 37.,. 91 2745.34 5931.051 
13..67  355751.3 2324905.9 38.. 92  1829.884 4101.167 
14..68  319055.0 2005850.9 39.. 93  1229.061 2872.106 
15..69  285428.4 1720422.5 | 40.. 94, 848.681 2023 .425 
16..70  254463.4 1465959.1 | 41.. 95 592.673 1430,752 
17..71  226134.5 1239824.6 ' 42.. 96. 422.757 1007,995 
v 18..72  199391.7 1040432.9 | 43.. 971 307.639 700.356 
-— 19..73  174069.5 §66363.4 | 44.. 98 922.439 477.917 
25.9 20..74  150327.0 716036.4 | 45.. 99, 162.442 315.4751 
wn.) 21..75  128119.4 587917.0 1 46..100 123.5272 191.9479 
7150.3 22..76  108562.6 479354.4 | 47..101 89.2953 102.6526 
i83.80-8 23..77  91228.8 388125.6 | 48..102 59.2934 43.3592 
5471.8 24,.78  76277.8 311847.8 49..103 33.0946 10.2646 
4891.3 — 
iy Difference of Age Fifty-Five Years. 
13763.27 - : - a 
0862.3. Ages. D. N. Ages. D. N 
6110.5 mm pt | re mr | | ert | ee 
SIL 0&55 1652311.  10790105.7 8 & 63] 543656.4 4027327.0 
pr 1..56 1295248.7  9494857.0 9.. 64, 490020.5 3537306.5 
py 2..57 | 1102093.4  8392763.6 ' 10.. 65 441642.1 3095664.4 
S309 3..58  951898.0  7440865.6 | 11.. 66! 397731.4 2697933.0 
ll 4..59  843030.6  6597835.0 | 12.. 67 357539.1 2340393.9 
SLT 5..60  750627.6  5847207.4  13., 68 320717.0 2019676.9 
i 6..61  672240.5  5174966.9 | 14,, 69 287014.1 1732662.8 
7..62  603983.5  4570983.4 - 15.. 70 256048.5 1476614,3

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