Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Preparatory Table for finding the Values of Annuities, &c. on Two Joint Lives. 
(Carlisle 6 per Cent.) 
Difference of Age Fifty-Five Years—continued. 
Ages. D. N. "Ages. D. N. 
16 & 71227661 .8 1248952.5 33 & 88 7528.67 18282.66 
17... 728200773.9 1048172.6 34.. 89 5485.50 12797.16 
18... 730175289. 8 872882.8 35.. 90 4018.70 8778.46 
19.. 74 151388.4 721494 .4 36.. 91N2774.62 6003.835 
20.. 7508129030.4 592464.0 37.. 92 1849.965 4153.870 
2l.. 76 109321.8 483142.2 38.. 93 1242.940 2910.930 
22... 779891%71.5 391270.7 39.. 94 858.883 2052,047 
23.. 78 76818.8 314451.9 40., 93 600.482 1451.565 
24.. 79. 64129.3 250322.56 § 41., 96 428,663 1022.902 
25... SONE52957 .42 197365.14 | 42.. 97 312.126 710.776 
26.. S1EE43557.78 153807 .36 | 43.. 98 295.732 485.044 
97.. 82 35331.35 i 118476.01 | 44.. 99 164.880 320.1637 
28.. 83 28419.60 90056.41 | 45..100 125.3840 194.7797 
29... S4E99567 .59 67488.82 t 46..101 90.6382 104.1415 
30... 850R17733.50 49755.32 | 47..102 60.1721 43.9694 
31.. 86013657 .93 36097.39 48..103, 33.5624 10.4070 
32.. 87 10286.06 25811.33 : 
Difference of Age Fifty-Six Years. 
Ages.’ D. N. Ages. D. N. 
0 & 56] 1530846. 9761547.5 24 & 80 53335.77 199063 .88 
1.. 57] 1198716.2 8562831.3 25.. 81 43878.71 155185.17 
Do 58 1017983.9 7544847 .4 26.. 52035593 .62 119591.55 
Hn 59 876279.6 6668567.8 27.. 83 28642.09 909:9.46 
4.. 60" 772825.0 5895742.8 28.. 84 22765.62 68183.84 
S5-. 61 684424.5 5211318.3 29,, 85 17909.51 50274.33 
6.. 62, 611494.4 4599823.9 30.. 86913797.33 36477.00 
7.. 63 8548480.7 4051343.2 31.. 87910392.13 26084.87 
Sa. 64! 493265.7 3558077 .5 32.. 88 7605.72 18479.15 
9,., 65" 443898.2 3114179.3 33.. 89 5541.19 12937.96 
10... 66] 399525.0 2714654.3 34... 90 4059.92 8878.04 
11.. 67 8359271.0 9355383.3 35.. 912803.38 6074.657 
12... 63| 3223728.7 2033054 .6 36.. 92 1869.695 4204.962 
13.. 69. 288509.2 1744545.4 37.. 93 1256.581 2948.381 
14.. 70 257471.0 1487074 .4 38.. 94 868.582 2079.799 
15... 710229079.8 1257994.6 39. 95 607.700 1472.099 
16.. 72, 202136.0 1055858.6 40.. 96 434.311 1037.788 
17... 730176510.3 879348.3 a1... 9/7 316.485 721.303 
18.. 74 152449.8 726898.5 42,. 98 229,023 492.280 
19.. 75 129941.5 596957 .0 43.. 99 167.321 324.9587 
20, . 76] 110099.2 486857.8 44..100) 127.2673 197.6914 
21... 77: 92514.0 394343.8 | 45..101 92.0006 105.6908 
22... 78 77359.9 316983.9 46..102 61.0771 44.6137 
23... 79 64584 .2 252399.65 1 47..103 34.0596 10.5541

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