Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Preparatory Table for finding the Values of Annuities, &c. on Two J oint Lives, 
(Carlisle 6 per Cent.) 
Difference of Age Fifty-Nine Years. 
Ages. D. N. Ages. D. N. 
0& 59] 1204674. 7105926 .7 | 23 & 82; 36368.17 122671.95 
1.. 60] 934391.5 6171535.2 24.. 83! 29274.95 93397.60 
2.. 611 783307.0 5388228.2 95.. 84 923284.46 70112.54 
3.. 62| 666268.7 4721959.5 26.. 85 18343.27 51769.27 
4.. 631 582084.9 4139874.6 27.. 86. 14166.59 37602.68 
5. 641 512963.1 3626911.5 28.. 87: 10695.42 26907 .26 
6. 65 456409.2 3170502.3 29.. 88 7839.60 19067.66 
7.. 66 407812.3 2762690.0 1 30.. 89, 5713.33 13354.33 
8.. 67. 365136.8 2397553.2 |, 31.. 90 4185.84 9168.49 
9.. 68 327012.5 2070540.7 32.. 91 2890.17 6278.317 
10.. 69: 292677.4 1777863.3 33.. 92 1927.826 4350.491 
11.. 76! 261372.6 1516490.7 34.. 93 1296.305 3054.186 
12.. 71 232716.0 1283774.7 35.. 94 896.675 2157.511 
13.. 72 205590.4 1078184.3 36.. 93 627.932 1529.579 
14.. 73! 179802.7 898381.6 37.. 9 449.374 1080.205 
13... 74 135510.7 742870.9 38.. 97 328.173 752.032 
16.. 75, 132653.4 610217.5 39.. 98 238.110 513,922 
17.. 76] 112431.3 497786 .2 40,. 99 174.401 339.5213 
18,¢ 77 94487 .5 403298.7 41,.100 132.8641 206.6572 
19.. 78 79009.0 324289.7 42,.101 96.1462 110.5110 
20.. 79, 65959.7 258330.02 43..102 63.8574 46,6536 
21., 80, 54470.75 203859.27 . 44..103 35.6186 11.0350 
22.. 81 44819.15 159040.12 
Difference of Age Sixty Years. 
Ages. D. N. Ages. D. N. 
0& 60! 1104351. 6355158.4 22 & 82 36624.35 123634.52 
1.. 61] 851981.0 . 5503177.4 23.. 83 29482.61 94151 .91 
2.4 62, 712524.5 4790652.9 24.. 84 23450.81 70701.10 
3.. 63 605042.3 4185610.6 25.. 85 18478.43 52222.67 
4.. 64 528132.3 3657478.3 26.. 86 14271.74 37950.93 
5.. 65 464681.4 3192796.9  27.. 87 10779.15 27171.78 
6.. 66 412883.7 2779913.2 ' 28.. 88 7908.40 19263.38 
7.. 67 368376.9 9411536.3 | 29.. 89 5770.04 13493.34 
8.. 68! 329178.2 2082358.1 | 30.. 90 4228.57 9264.77 
9.. 69 294172.4 1788185.7 | 31.. 91 2919.96 6344,810 
10.. 70. 262551.3 1525634.4 32.. 92 1947.555 4397 .255 
11.. 71 233843.2 1291791.2 33.. 93 1309.467 3087.788 
12.. 72 206623.6 1085167.6 34.. 94 905.873 2181.915 
13.. 73 180739.2 904428. 4 83, . 95 634.440 1547.475 
14.. 741 156374.6 748053.8 36.. 86 454.165 1093.310 
15.. 75| 133479.8 614574.0 37.. YH 331.776 761,534 
16.. 79 113190.7 501383.3 38.. 98 240.798 520.736 
17..:771 95145.4 406237.9 59.. 28 176.497 344.2389 
18.. 78 79562.8 326675.1 40,.100 134.6148 209.6241 
19.. 79 66425.5 260249.57 | 41..161 97.4891 112.1350 
20.. 80 54858.09 205391 .48 | 42..162 64.7886 47.3464 
21.. 81 45132.61 160258.87 § 43..103 36.1457 11.2007 

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