Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Preparatory Table for finding the Values of Annuities, &c. on Two Joint Lives. 
(Northampton 3 per Cent.) 
Difference of Age Two Years. 
8 Agos. | D. N. Ages. D. N. 
M4 pal re, To Ne 
Ao 0& 2| 79976395.7 676492188.4 47 & 49(2132904.9 19494696 .4 
80 1.. 3| 53678228.1 622813960.3 1 48,. 50|1964229.5 17530466.9 
82 2.. 4] 41711106.5 581102853.8 49.. 51/1804999.3 15725467 .6 
3.. 5| 36552587.9 544550265.9 } 50.. 52!1654901.2 14070566 .4 
4 4,. 6! 32741438.5 511808827.4 51.. 53'1513629.8 12556936 .6 
: 5.. 7] 30101978.0 481703849.4 1 52.. 54 1381363.6  .11175573.0 
iy 6.. 8| 27840865.1 453862984.3 53.. 55 1258163.6 | 9917409.4 
R 7.. 9) 26042745.0 427820239.3 54.. 56 1143538.2 8773871.2 
8..10| 24555191.8 403265047.5 55.. 57 1037016.6 7736854 .6 
© 9,.11' 23296571.9 379968475.6. 56.. 58' 938151.6 6798703.0 
is 10..12| 22182382.5 357786093.1 1 57.. 59, 846517.0 5952186.0 
'd 11..13] 21147508.7 336638584.4 58.. 60, 761707.0 5190479.0 
 W 12..14] 20164773.1 316473811.3'] 59.. 61 683335.6 4507143.4 
13..15) 19224554.4 297249256.9 | 60.. 62 611034.4 3896109.0 
0.5 14..161 18325114.0 278924142.9'1 61.. 63 544758.3 3351350.7 
LH 15..17] 17454942.2 261469200.7 ! 62.. 64 483827.9 2867522.8 
M 16..18 16607246.6 244861954.1 63.. 65 428430.8 | 2439092.0 
0 17..19 15773358.4 2290883595.7 64., 66 377692.6 + 2061399.4 
«IV 18..20: 14951783.5 214136812.2 ' 65., 67 331538.3 1729861.1 
ve 19..21 14141276.2 199995536.0 | 66.. 68 289467.2 1440393.9 
3,60 20..22] 13351586.7 186643949.3 | 67.. 69, 251231.0 1189162.9 
7.16 21. 25) 12588553.4 174055395.9 * 68.. 70) 216592.9 972570.0 
i). 328 22..241 11856820.9 162198575.0 69.. 711 185328.9 787241.1 
19,8027 23..25, 11162405.8 151036169.2 70.. 72] 157226.3 630014,84 
24. 26] 10503600.9 140532568.3 71.. 73 132082,94 497931.90 
3.8335 25, .27] 9878768.4 130653799.9 * 72.. 74, 109707.17 388224.734 
36.001 26..28; 9286340.4 121367459.5 73.. 75 89917.281 298307 .453 
00,8816 27..29, B8724815.4 112642644.1 74.. 76' 72541.009 225766 .444 
4g, hdd 28. .30) 8192757.7 104449886.4 75.. 77 57671.444 ' 168095.000 
29,.31' 7688792.8 96761093.6 t 76.., 78 45134,724 122960.276 
0.471 30..32| 7211603.0 89549490.6 | 77.. 79  34890.264 88070.012 
0.37% 31..33| 6759929.9 82789560.7 78.. 80. 26533.306 61536.706 
5.3681 32..34] 6332567.2 76456993.5 79.. 81 19781.170 41755,536 
pre 33..35| 5928363.5 70528630.0 ! 80.. 82 14374.625 27380.911 
34..36!1 5546215.5 64982414.5 1 81., 83' 10090.996 17289.915 
L557 35..37| 5185066.3 59797348.2 } 82.. 84  6760.286 10529.629 
3.3013 36,.38| 4843910.2 54953438.0) 83.. 85] 4357.591 6172.038 
3 0% 37..39| 4521780.4 50431657.6 | 84.. 86!  2670.436 3501.602 
y 1115 38..401 4217754.6 46213903.0 ' 85.. 87 1577.601 1924 0010 
39..41' 3929847.2  42284055.8 86.. 88 892.8332 1031.1678 
04 7: 13 pn 
pr 40..42| 3657377.1 38626678.7 ! 87.. 89, 495.6803 53548752 
0 71165 41..43  3398731.7 35227947.0 88.. 90 266.98427 268.50325 
= wel 42..44  3154373.0 32073574.0 89.. 91 143.11435 125,238890 
bail 43..45 2923683.7 29149890.3 90.. 92 72.76864 52.62026 
1.532 44..46  2706881.0 26443009.3 91.. 93 34.81263 17.807637 
; 578500 45..47  2503259.5 23939749.8 92.. 94 13.420066 4.387571 
Se 46..48 2312148.5 21627601.3 93.. 95 3.860501 .527070 

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