Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Preparatory Table for finding the Values of Annuities, &e. on Two Joint Lives, 
(Northampton 3 per Cent.) 
Difference of Age Four Years. 
Ages. D. N. Ages. D. N. 
0& 4! 66721734. 614160335.6 1 46 & 50]2065895.0 18833250.5 
1.. 5] 46627324.2 567533011.4 47.. 51|1900905.3 16932345.2 
2.. 6 36992847.8 530540163.6 48.. 52|1745842.6 15186502.6 
3.. 7, 32667923.9 497872239.7 + 49.. 53/1600870.7 13585631.9 
4,. 8 29589813.2 468282426.5 1 50., 54 1464942.8 12120689.1 
5.0 9] 27466854.6 440815571.9 i 51., 5311337160,0 10783529.1 
6..10 25610875.0 415204696.9 52.. 56!'1217664.8 9565864.3 
7..11} 24068385.1 391136311.8 53... 57 1106459.9 8459374.4 
i 22729613.2 365406698.6 54., 58 1003179.9 7456194.5 
9,.131 21568728.8 346837969.8 55.. 59 907300.3 6548894, 2 
i 10..14] 20533839.4 326304130.4 { 56.. 60 818437.3 5730456 .9 
I 11,..15| 19572636.1 306731494.3 | 57., 61 736197.3 4994259 .6 
i 12..16| 18659941.6 288071552.7 | 58.. 62 660204.9 4334054.7 
+3 13..17| 17776811.0 270294741.7 | 59.. 63 65690433.3 3743621.4 
14..18 16916333.7 253378408.0 | 60.. 64 526169.4 3217452.0 
15,.19| 16078744.8 237299663.2 | 61.., 656 467379.1 2750072.9 
16..201 15267186.1 222032477.1 ' 62.., 66 413432,2 2336640.7 
17..21, 14470396.3 207562080.8 ' 63.. 67 364245,2 1972395.5 
18..22; 13689799.1 193872281.7 64.. 68 319309.2 1653086.3 
19. .93] 12934365.3 180937916.4 65., 69 278538,8 1374547.5 
3 20..24| 12206460.5 168731455.9 | 66.. 70 241488.7 1133058.8 
id 21..25, 11503416.1 157228039.8 67.. 71 207929.9 925128.9 
03 22..26| 10829462.2 146398577.6 68., 72 177645.2 747483.72 
5.75 23..271 10190074.1 136208503.5 | 69.. 73 150427.79 597055.93 
24..28 9583661.,9 126624841.6 | 70.. 74 126081.38 470974.55 
7 084 
009 25..29] 9008703.1 117616138.5 | 71.. 75 104420.06 366534.49 
5 154 26..30| 8463742.0 109152396.5 | 72.. 76  85267.50 281286.990 
9.754 97..31, 7947384.6 101205011.9 | 73.. 77  68762.107 212524.,883 
yp 28..32 7458294.1 93746717.8 | 74.. 78 54737.857 157787 .026 
29..33  6995194.2 86751523.6 | 75.. 79  43005.480 114781 .546 
hy? 30..34| 6556861.1 80194662.5 | 76.. 80. 33144.595 81636.951 
il 31..35| 6142126.7 74052535.8 * 77.. 81 25004.288 56632.663 
$1 32..36| 6749870.9 68302664.9 78.. 82 18451.011 38181.652 
3 33..37| 5379021.4 62923643.5 79.. 83 13272.393 24909.259 
oo 34..38 5028557,4 57895086.1 80.. 84 9163.510 15745.749 
ip 35.30) 4697497.3 53197588.8 8l.. 85  6121.737 9624.012 
3579 36.,401 4384904.7 48812684,1 82.. 86 3948.594 5675.418 
0685 37..41 4088735.9 44723948.2 83.. 87 2451.219 3224.1991 
5583 38..42| 3808300.5 40915647.7 84.. 88 1440.8480 1783.3511 
- 39..43 3542932,06 37372715.7 85.. 89 830.5993 952.7518 
Li 40..44' 3292976.9 34079738.8 86.. 90° 466.4183 486.3335 
hg feeds 3056812.6 31022926.2 B7., 91 256.2209 230.11267 
2% 7505 42..46] 2833842.3 28189083.9 88.., 92 131.29994 98.81273 
ris 43..47) 2623490.0 25565593.9 89.. 93 63.48186 35.330878 
a d4,.48 2425932.5 23139661.4 90.. 94 25.721792 9.609086 
hla 45..49  2240515.9 20899145.5 91,. 95 8.203564 1.405522 

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