Preparatory Table for finding the Values of Annuities, &ec. on Two Joint Lives,
(Carlisle 3 per Cent.)
Difference of Age Eighteen Years.
Ages. D. N. Ages. D. N.
dias 0 &18' 36277491, 498145286.9 | 46 & 64 2207334.9 '17947605.3
Re 1..19] 29592890.9 468552396.0 ' 47., 65 2027323.3 115920282.0
er 2..20| 26229895.8 442322500.2 48.. 66 1859842.6 14060439. 4
aa 3..21| 23644576.9 418677923.3 49.. 67 1704835.8 12355603. 6
ip 4..22i 21931433.3 396746440.0 50,. 68 1560066.6 10795537. 0
cia 5..23| 20536475.4 276209964.6 * 51.. 69 1424893.4 9370643.6
pei 6..24, 19445449.9 356764514.7 52.. 70 1296653.9 8073989.7
Le 7..25 18514917.3 338249597.4 53.. 71 1175723.8 6898265. 9
13.9 8..26 17687216.2 320562381.2 54.. 72 1056955.9 5841310.0
WILY 9..27 16933388.3 303628992.9 55.. 73 940102.1 4901207.9
_ 10..28, 16229568.8 287399424.1 ' 56.. 74 826340.7 4074867 .2
Hs 11..29 15549679.3 271849744.8 57.. 75 716064.9 3358503.0
0.4 12..30 14876347.5 256973397.3 58.. 76 615660.0 2743143. 0
16.8 13.31, 14225654.6 242747742.7 59., 77 523201.0 2219942, 0
3.6 14..32' 13599516,2 229148226.5 60., 78 440571. 4 1779370. 6
: 15..33] 12997452,1 216150774.4 61.. 79, 368426.6 1410944.00
13.4 16..34" 12414719.1 203736055.3 62.. 80 304056.79 1106887.21
75.08 17..35 11850713,5 191885341.8 63.. 81 249569.95 857317.26
93,33 18..36 11308793.9 180576547.9 64.. 82 201850.58 655466.68
9,3 19..371 10787918,9 169788629.0 65., 83 161702.83 493763.85
20..38) 10287377.9 159501251.1 66.. 84 127828.38 365935.47
M75 21. 39] 9806481.8 149694769.3 67.. 85 99961.42 26597405
592.11 22,.40; 9342434,7 140352334.6 | 68.. 86 76486.12 189487 .93
537.81 23..41 8889751.5 131462583.1 | 69.. 87) 57110.31 132377.62
4 24..42 8451982.1 123010601,0 | 70.. 88' 4134.20 91053 .42
oo 25..43| 8030499.6 114980101.4 | 71.. S9 29684.43 61368.99
87 26..44| 7626717.0 107353384.4 ' 72.. 90 21979.44 40089.55
801.7 27..45] 7241257.8 100112126.6 73.. 91 14235.73 25853.817
rene 28..46] 6872435.0 93239691.6 74.. 92 9101.026 16752.791
a7. 29..47) 6516228,3 86723463.3 75.. 93 5788.241 10964. 550
oo 30..48| 6172779.9 80550683.4 ' 76.. 94 3765.074 7199.476
1 31..49, 5849775.8 74700907.6 77.. 95 2459 .259 4740.217
rps 32..50, 5544511.0 69156396.6 78.. 96 1633.861 3106.356
four 33..511 5256990 2 63899406.4 79.. 97 1106.335 2000,0214
ih 34..52' 4980361.2 58919045.2 80.. 98 736.5004 1263.5210
8.3L 35..53| 4713452.5 54205592.7 ' 81.. 99 493.4384 770.08264
TT 36..54| 4456089.4 49749503.3 82..100 339.51498 430.56836
Bs 37..55| 4208322.9 45541180.4 83..101 220.30602 210.26234
pr 38..56| 3968965.8 41572214.6 84.102 129.72650 80.53584
opr 39..57. 3737938,9 37834275.7 85..103 63.,56925 16.96659
45.1110 40..58 3511028.7 34323247.0
Si 1:9 3282994.9 31040252.1
. 42..60] 3054587.9 27985664.2
43..61 2825108.3 25160555.9
44..62. 2606106.2 22354449.7
15..631 2399509.5 20154940.2