Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Preparatory Table for finding the Values of Annuities, &e. on Two Joint Lives, 
(Northampton 3 per Cent.) 
Difference of Age Eight Years. 
i Ages. D. N. Ages, D. N. 
¥ 0& §| 53478331. 512683357.4 45 & 53(1770990.4 15687657 .2 
; 1.. 9] 38020210.0 474663147.4 46.. 54/1625435.3 14012221.9 
2..10| 30754163.7 443908983.7 47.. 5511489372.8 112522849. 1 
3..11| 27545606.6 416363377.1 48.. 56 1362302.1 11160547.0 
4,.12' 25196059,7 391167317.4 49.. 57 1243742.1 9916804.9 
5..13| 23501828.5 367665488.9 50.. 58|1132839.9 8783965.0 
6..14| 21944975.5 345720513.4 | 51.. 59|1028866.5 7755098. 5 
7..15) 20623843.1 325096670.3 | 52.. 60. 931897.6 6823200.9 
8..16 19470224.4 305626445.9 | 53., 61 841921.0 5981279.9 
» 9..17. 18459172.8 287167273.1 | 54.. 62 753546.1 5229733.8 
. 10..18, 17540689.5 269626583.6 55., 63 681783.3 4540950.5 
11.,19 16671728.2 252954835.4 | 56.. 64 610852. 1 3930098. 4 
} 12..20] 15835478.9 237119376.5 57.. 65 545753.6 3384344, 8 
a. 13..21 15022556.2 222096820.3 58.. 66 485794.0 9898550.8 
- 14..22 14238744.0 207858076.3 ' 59.. 67 430674.9 2467875.9 
ul 15..23] 13491645.3 194366431.0 | 60.. 68 380112.3 2087763.6 
Wa 16..24' 12779678.8 181586752.2 | 61.. 69 333337.0 1753926.6 
val 17..25 12094500.7 169492251.5 | 62., 70 291591.4 1462335.2 
8.8 18..26 11431219.7 158061031.8 | 63.. 71 253273.4 1209061.8 
19..27 10789856.4 147271175.4 | 64.. 72 218483.4 990578.45 
161,09 20..28| 10172358.4 137098817.0 | 65.. 73 187117.50 803460.95 
396.84 21..29| 9576478.5 127522338.5 | 66.. 74 158829.79 644631.16 
29.50 22..30| 9005710.5 118516628.0 | 67., 75 133425.64 511205.52 
831.30 23..31 8464367.9 110052060.1 68.. 76 110720.48 400485. 04 
24,.32° 7951676.2 102100383.9 | 69.. 77 90943.43 309541.61 
73.049 25..33| 7465722.9 94634661.0 | 70.. 78 73944.13 235597.48 
5.50 26..34| 7005449.1 87629211.9 | 71.. 79 5954605 176051 .43 
571.800 27..35| 6569652.9 81059559.0 & 72.. 80 47248.67 128802.761 
71419 28..361 6157181.8 74902377.2 } 73.. S1  86747.043 92055.718 
29..37' 5766931.6 69135445.6 } 74.. 82 27952.362 64103.356 
0.207 30..38) 5397851.7 63737593.9 ' 75.. 83  20679.085 43424.271 
113.219 31..39 504:931.0 58688662.9 76.. 84 14692.877 28731.394 
p17 32..40, 4719204.9 53969458.0 | 77.4 85 10177.765 18553.629 
3.2163 33..41  4406513.3 49562944.7 ' 78.. 86  6870.096 11683.533 
34..42! 4110147.3 45452797.4 79.. 87  4529.944 7154.2891 
0g. 101 35..43| 3829422.5 41623374.9 | 80.. 88  2887.8534 4266 ,4357 
168.5703 36..44| 3564749.5 38058625.4 | 81., 89,  1813.0287 92453,4070 
28,4190 37..45| 3315340.5 34743284.9 | 82,. 90  1112.9705 1340.4365 
34.196 38..46| 3080440.4 31662844.5 * 83.. 91 667.0975 673.3390 
39..47) 2859326,7 28803517.8 84.. 92 370.1709 303.1681 
5. 750m 
LEN 40..48} 2651312.2 26152205.6 85., 93 190.4456 112,72255 
gon 41..49| 2455048.0 23697157.6 86.. 94 81.07957 31.64298 
42..50| 2269226.0 21427931.6 &7.. 95 26.78222 4.860762 
43..51 2092717.2 19335214.4 
44,.52' 1926566.8 17408647.6 
- sin bb SERA NAR LITIONSLAR 1 Soins 
3 8g 2 

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