Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Preparatory Table for finding the Values of Annuities, &c. on Two Joint Lives. 
(Northampton 3 per Cent.) 
Difference of Age Fifteen Y ears—continued. 
Ages. D. N. + Ages. DD. N. 
20 & 35 7313548.5 93207553.6 | 51 & 66 612426.9 3900800.1 
21..36 6869975.6 86337578.9 | 52.. 67 547282.0 3353618.1 
92..37 6445774.5 79891803.5 | 53.. 68 487170.3 2866447 .8 
23..38 6044116.7 73847686.8 | 54.. 69 431803.5 2434644.3 
24..39 5663940.0 68183746.8 | 55.. 70 380504.8 2053739.5 
25..40 5304230.3 62879516.5 | 56.. 71 334213.5 1719526.0 3 
26..411 4962623.7 57916892.8 * 57.. 72 291481.2 1428044.88 
27..421 4638379.2 53278513.6 53.. 73 252471.04 1175573.84 j 
28..43 4330780.7 48947732.9 59.. 74 216958.21 958615.63 3 
29, .44' 4040351.5 44907331.4 60.. 75 184729.25 773886.38 3 
30..45 3766261.2 41141120.2 + 61.. 76 155581 37 618305.01 
31,.46 3507714.1 37633406.1 | 62.. 77 129899.37 488405.64 
32..47 8263948.3 34369457.8 § 63.. 78 107615.11 380790.53 
33..48 3034239.0 31335218.8 | 64.. 79 88492.05 292298 .48 
34..491 2817890.2 28517328.6 4 65.. 80 71930.83 220367.65 #H.. 
35..50' 2613324.6 25904004.0 | 66.. 81 57491.35 162876.30 i 
36..51 2419166.3 23484837.7 § 67.. 82 45116.10 117760.20 i 
37..52 2235883.3 21248954.4 ' 68.. 83 34597.69 83162.51 ; 
38..53 2063792.8 19185161.6 69.. 84 25634.38 57528.13 TR 
39..54 1902323.3 17282838.3 | 70.. 85 18576.30 38951.83 4. 
40..55; 1750928.2 15531910.1 § 71.. 86 13146.76 25805.07 9. 
41..56] 1608637.4 13923272.7 | 72.. 87 9092.41 16712.6643 
42..57| 1475037.5 12448235.2 § 73.. 88 6108.2102 10604.4541 
43..58 1349732.9 11098502.3 * 74.. 89 4072.6163 6531.8378 
44..59 1232712.7 9865789.6 § 75.. 90 2676.2760 3855.5618 
45..60| 1123535.1 8742254.5 § 76.. 91 1735.8386 2119.7232 
46..61, 1021780.1 7720474.4 } 77.. 92 1067.8007 1051.9225 
47..62, 927045.2 6793429.2 ' 78.. 93, 616.3884 435.53413 
48..63| 839418.0 5954011.2 , 79.. 94 298.59646 136.93767 
49..64| 758014.4 5195996.8 | 80.. 95 113.16093 23.77674 
50..65' 682669.8 4513327.0 
Difference of Age Sixteen Years. 
Ages. D. N. | Ages. D. ‘N. 
0&16' 39007414.0 355289939.6 | 15& 31  9348951.5 127396897.8 
1..17, 27841646.9 327448292.7 | 16.. 32 8836475.0 118560422 .8 
2..18 922510809.1 304937483.6 { 17.. 33 8344043.4 110216379.4 
3..19 20105102.2 284832381.4 | 18.. 34 7868233.4 102348146.0 
4..20! 18316077.0 266516304.4 1 19.. 35 7409029.2 94939116.8 
5..21! 16997275.6 249519028.8 } 20.. 36 6967730.3 87971386.5 
6..22 15778911.4 233740117.4 ' 21.. 37 6542752.0 81428634.5 
7..23 14740549.2 218999568.2 22.. 38 6146440.3 75282194 .2 
8..24 13830975.8 205168592.4 | 23.. 39] 5751798.4 69530395.8 
9..25! 13037962.8 192130629.6 ' 24.. 40 5387805.4 64142590.4 
10..26/ 12328424.9 179802204.7 * 25.. 41  5042068.1 59100522.3 
11..27 11669813.9 168132390.8 26.. 42 4713840.9 54356681.4 
12..28 11046483.5 157085907.3 27.. 43 4402403.4 49984278.0 
13..20 10452745.3 146633162.0 28.. 44  4108294.5 45875983 .5 
14..30] 9887812.7 136745849.3 ¢ 29.. 45 3830678.4 42045305. 1 
7 A

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