Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Preparatory Table for finding the Values of Annuities, &c. on Two Joint Lives, 
(Northampton 3 per Cent.) 
5g Difference of Age Twenty-Five Years—continued. 
Wald A, 
90.73 | 
2a Ages. D. N. Ages. D. N. 
188.60 premio tee lee ee 
02.28 60 & 85] 30729.30 70586.60 66 & 91, 3582.475 | 4852.219 
W354 61.. 86] 22322.11 48264 .49 67.. 92, 2328.536 2523.623 
51.965 62.. 87] 15894.75 32369.742 68.. 93) 1425.270 1098.3538 
163,126 63.. 88] 11040.343 21329.399 69.. 94, 7336.302 364.7236 
12.80 64. , 89, 7645.087 13684.312 70,. 95 297.2586 67.4650 
73,00 65.. 90'  5249.618  8434.694 
340.7360 . Oi 
pi Difference of Age Twenty-Six Years. 
Ages. D. N. Ages. D. N. 
0 & 26] 25308572. | 214635558.7 35 & 61 1292535.7 10380479.9 
1.. 27] 17951963.5/ 196683595.2 36.. 62 1179794.0 9200685. 9 
i 2.. 28| 14435948.1 182247647.1 37.. 63 1075034.3 - 8125651.6 
re 3.. 29| 12833616.8 169414030.3 38.. 64, 977208.6 7148443.0 
4. 4.. 30] 11645097.3 157768933.0 39.. 65 886491.2 6261951.8 
Fa 5.. 31) 10772929.8 146996003.2 | 40.. 66° 801935.1 5460016.7 
ey 6.. 32] 9974543.2 137021460.0 41.. 67 723005.5 4737011.2 
i 7.. 33] 9292943.0 127728517.0 42.. 68 649436.2 4087575.0 
Hn. 8.. 34] 8695130.5 119033386.5 43.. 69 580971.9 3506603.1 
nan.d 9.. 35] 8172876.2 110860510.3 44,. 70 517520,2 2989082.9 
Bi 3 10.. 36] 7704962.7 103155547.6 45.. 71 458802.0 2530280. 9 
Me. 11. 371 7270730.2 95884817.4 46.. 72 404551.6 2125729.35 
WL, 12,. 38 6860257.1 89024560.3 47.. 73 354514.28  1771215.07 
fr 4air.3 13.. 39] 6469894.6 82554665.7 48.. 74 308449.08 1462765.99 
TR 14.. 40 6098750.5 76455915.2 49.. 75 266126.14  1196639.85 
SUR 15.. 41) 5744356.2 70711559.0 | 50.. 76 227247.43 969392 .42 
1403. 16.. 42° 5406076.2 65305482.8 61... 77 192422.99 776969.43 
9786. 17.. 43 5080430.9 60225051.9 52.., 78 161692.75 615276.68 
410868.” 18.. 44  4766890.0 55458161.9 53., 79 135012.40 480264.28 
, 19.. 45° 4465402.8 50992759.1 ! 54., 80 111510.41 368753.87 
45770] 20.. 2) 4176702.8 46816056.3 | 55.. 81 90682.21 278071.66 
16:3103.37 21.. 47! 3899782.5 42916273.8 | 56.. 82 72516.76 205554.90 
7588.41 22.. 48) 3635981.2 39280292.6 57.. 83 56768.06 148786 .84 
(7065.76 23.. 49) 3386986.7 35893305.9 * 58., 84 43023.56 105763.28 
10) 24. . 50, 3150978.6  32742327.3 59,. 85 31965.72 73797 .56 
137295. 25.. 51 2926361.4 29815965.9 {| 60.. 86 23257490 50539.66 
150536. 26.. 52| 2713759.9 27102206.0 61.. 87, 16590.27 33949.397 
ass 27.. 93] 2513628.8 24588577.2 62., 881 11539,099 22410.298 
g30lt- 28.. a4 2325346.7 22263230.5 63.. 89 8006.799 14403.499 
115.09 29.. 55! 2148319.1 20114911.4 64.. 90! 5506.953 8896.,546 
sri. 7 30.. 56{ 1981982.3 18132929.1 65,. 91 3767,139 5129.407 
977.89 3l.. 57; 1825793.2 16307135.9 66.. 92 2455,151 2674.256 
grr 32.. 58) 1679236.0 14627899.9 67., 93. 1507.182 1167.0749 
pat 33.. 59) 1541817.4 13086082.5 68.. 94, 778.3637 388.7112 
34., 60! 1413066.9 11673015.6 69., 95 316,5611 72.1501 
EEL. 7) 
qx VO

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