Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Preparatory Table for finding the Values of Annuities, &e. on Two Joint Lives. 
(Northampton 3 per Cent.) 
Difference of Age Twenty-Seven Years. 
Ages. D. N. Ages. D. N. 
0& 27: 24178079. 203553264.0 35 & 62 1202280.6 9413942.4 
1.. 28 17145537.9 186407726.1 36.. 63 1095922.3 8318020.1 
2.. 29] 13783694.2 172624031.9 37.. 64 996572.0 7321448.1 
3.. 30° 12250295.6 160373736.3 38.. 65 9044]12.1 6417036.0 
4.. 31 11112546.8 149261189.5 39.. 66' 818481.2 5598554.8 
5.0 32 10277151.0 138984038.5 . 40.. 67 738444.7 4860110.1 
6.. 33 9512523.0 129471515.5 | 41.. 68 663797.6 4196312.5 
7.. 34 8859612.9 120611902.6 | 42.. 69 594284.3 3602028.2 
8.. 35 8286883.2 112325019.4 ' 43.. 70 529657.0 3072371.2 
9.. 36 7786425.0 104538594.4 44.. 71 469820.0 2602551 .2 
10,. 371 7337968.0 97200626.4 ' 45.. 72 414505.8 2188045.40 
11.. 38, 6921806.1 90278820.3 46.. 73 363457.39 1824588.01 
12. 39 6528466.9 83750353.4 47.. 74 316431.50 1508156.51 
13.. 40 6154467.3 77595886.1 48.. 75 273196.25 1234960.26 
4.. 41 5797319.1 71798567.0 49.. 76 233531.14 1001429.12 
15.. 42 5456384.0 66342183.0 | 50.. 77 198037.63 803391.49 
16.. 43 5131044.2 61211138.8 | 51.. 78 166614.35 636777.14 
17.. 44  4819432.7 56391706.1 | 52.. 79 139250.92 497526 .22 
18.. 45 4519513.4 51872192.7 | 53.. 80 115124.58 382401.64 
19.. 46° 4231231.1 47640961.6 | 54.. 81 93719.78 288681 .86 
20.. 47 3955273.4 43685688.2 | 55.. 82 75030.02 213651.84 
21.. 48 3690685.0 39995003.2 ; 56.. 83 58806.14 154845.70 
22.. 49, 3433722.8 36556280.4 | 57.. 84"  44625.70 110220.00 
23.. 50 3199856.3 33356424.1 ' 58.. 55 33202.13 77017 .87 
24.. 51 2972469.9 30383954.2 . 59.. 86!  24193.69 52824,18 
25.. 52! 2757203.3 27626750.9 | 60.. 87 17285.76 35538.423 
26.. 53, 2564522.9 25072228.0 | 61.. 88 12044.011 -  23494.412 
27.. 54] 2363803.4 22708424.6 | 62.. 89 8368.511 15125.901 
28.. 55) 2184445.6 20523979.0 | 63.. 90 5767.503 9358.398 
29.. 56' 2015881.7 18508097.3 ' 64.. 91  3951.802 5406.56 
30.. 57, 1857564.5 16650532.8 | 65.. 92 2581.705 2824.891 
3l.. 58, 1708974.4 14941558.4 | 66.. 93 1589.095 1235.7960 
32.. 59, 1569614.6 13371943.8 67.. 94 823.0973 412.6987 
33. . 60) 1439010.6 11932933.2 68.. 95 335.8636 76.8351 
34.. 61' 1316710.2 10616223.0 
Difference of Age Twenty-Eight Years. 
Ages. D. N. Ages. D. nN. 
0 & 28) 23091967. 192940636.1 © 10 & 38] 6985817.2 91511263.0 
1.. 29) 16370857.6 176569778.5 | 11., 39] 6587039.1 84924223.9 
2.. 30) 13157189.6 163412588.9 12.. 40, 6210184.0 78714039.9 
3.. 31" 11690068.2 151722520.7 ; 13.. 41 58502582.0 72863757.9 
4., 32] 10601138.6 141121382.1 ' 14.. 42 5506691.8 673570661 
5.. 33] 9801114.0 131320268.1 i 15.. 43 5178792.6 62178273.5 
6.. 34] 9068953.9 .22251314.2 16.. 44 4867445.8 57310827.7 
7.. 35] 8443642.8 113807671.4 17.. 45 4569329.4 52741493.3 
8.. 36) 7895041.2 105912630.2 18.. 46 4282503.9 48458994 .4 
9.. 37" 7415550.0 98497080.2 19.. 47 4006910.8 44452083.6 

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