1 Lime, i i
Preparatory Table for finding the Values of Annuities, &c. on Two Joint Lives,
(Carlisle 3 per Cent.)
Difference of Age Twenty Years.
- Ages, D. N. Ages, D. N.
8; ag i 5% 05 9 16522704. 1
: 0 &20( 33718853. 457155579.7 + 45 & 65(2088743.9 ;
iy 1..211 27502992.3 429652587.4 46.. 66|1915789.9 14606914.2
od 2..22| 24379109.4 405273478.0 47.. 67(1754550.5 12852363. 7
4 3..23| 21977684.7 383295793.3 48.. 681604062. 1 11248301.6
=) 4..241 20383352.1 362912441.2 49.. 69 1464309.6 9783992. 0
8l4 : : 70/1333346..0 8450646. 0
8% 5..25| 19084909.4 343827531.8 , 50.. | : :
a 6..26| 18066073.3 325761458.5 | 51.. 71112111826 7239463. 4
i 7..271 17196790.7 308564667.8 52.. 7211090886. 7 6148576.7
No.8 8..28 16420505.0 292144162.8 53.. 73 971954.3 51766224
WL 9..29' 15699590.7 276444572.1 54.. 74 855882.3 4320740.1
fla 10..30 15015813.2 261428758.9 « 55.. 75) 743254.1 3577486.0
vd 11..31' 14366392.0 247062366.9 Drs 4 STs ig
13 12..32 13739053.5 233323313.4 se 7 323. .
1.3 13..33 13137742.0 220185571.4 58.. 78 464637.8 1924246, 1
58 14..34' 12561451.2 207624120.2 + 59.. 79 392283.7 1531962,43
Ld 15..35] 12005064.4 195619055.8 0 30 LE Sine
33.2 16..36' 11464436.3 184154619.5 .+ 81 . 803.
84.57 17..37 10939192.5 173215427,0 62.. 82 218034.58 718769.13
$2 : 5 63.. 83| 175097.69 543671.44
8. 18..38 10432651.2 162782775.8 6
195.04 19,.39 9945948.8 [52836827.0 64.. 84' 138826.74 404844.,70
430.46 20..40| 9474675.6 143362151.4 231s 3 sortie Sn
81.92 21..41 9014980.3 134347171 .1 . . :
148.01 22..42, 8571888.6 125775282.5 67.. 87 62674.33 149706.93
150.7 : 117630041.9 68.., 88 45575.37 104131.56
130,70 23..43| 8145240.6 0041.
OR) 24..44" 7737798.4 109892243.5 69.. 89 32917.51 71214.05
” 5.0 3 9 102543485.6 | 70.. 90. 23841.32 47372.73
ny 33.495, 7385757.0 Lord Ag 91) 16231.73 31141.003
asl Jl 26..46| 6977649.8 565835.8 3 I
ahi § 2487 72.. 92, 10593.970 20547.033
5.810 27..47| 6624870.3 889409655
3 504 28..48, 6288752.1 82652213.4 73.. 93. 6900.966 13646.,067
ue 29, “4g! 9968132.9 76684080.5 74.. 94 4575.248 9070.819
id 4 : : 1025228.9 75.. 95, 3031.09 6039.724
fie. 20,450 Sass] J102e00s Ss 76. 96 2040. 643 3999.081
306.450 31..51| 5365550.1 9678.8 7 4; 199. 0:
ul oo 32,.52| 5082414, 60577264.7 77.. 97 1390, 852 2608,229
a . 4 557671] 78.4 98 937.434 1670,795
agg 504 33..53| 4810147.8 55767116.9 7 337+: jikagLode
0.004 34.541 4548452.2 51218664.7 79.. 99 637.284 3.511
28: 7 + 80..100° 446.28567 587.22540
ir. Bi Boss Siping aaa Z 81..101 295.98098 291.24442
15.1949 36..56] 4055314.1 . 9 182042
5 $ 39044433.5 82..102 177.79153 113.4:
Bao! 87..57| 3821635.1 Ah oe aaa
i5,1441 38..58| 3593356,2 35451077.3 83..103 .
sma 39..59! 3366233.2 32084844. 1
40.60] 3138063.5 28946780.6
41..61 2906339.6 26040441. 0
42..62| 2683235.6 233579205.4
43..63| 2471591.1 20885614.3
44..64] 2274166.3 18611448.0
9p 0