Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Preparatory Table for finding the Values of Annuities, &ec. on Two Joint Lives, 
(Northampton 3 per Cent.) 
Difference of Age Twenty-Nine Years—continued. 
Ages. D. N. Ages. D. N. 
42 & 71] 491856.1  2746312.8 | 55& 84 47830.00 119151.82 
43... 72 434414.3 2311898.49 7 56.. 85 35674.95 83476.87 
44.., 73 3B1343.63 1930554.86 | 57.. 86 26065.28 57411.59 
45.. 74 332396.35 1548158.51 | 58.. 87 18676.77 38734.823 
46.. 75 287336.47 1310822.04 | 59.. 88 13053.836 25680.987 
47... 761 245939.47 1064882.57 | 60.. 89 9100.867 16580 .120 
48+. 77] 208920.35 855962.22 t 61.. 90 6291.822 10288.298 
49.. 78; 176217.48 679744.74 | 62., 91 4325.746 5962.552 
50.4 79 147676 .26 532068.48 ' 63.. 92 2836.395 3126.157 
51.. 80] 122352.91 409715.57 64. 93 1752.919 1373.2384 
52... 81° 99794.88 309920.69 65.. 94 912.5644 460.6740 
53.. 82 806056.55 229864.14 66... 95 374.4687 86.2053 
54.., 83 62882.32 166981.82 
Difference of Age Thirty Years. 
Ages. D. N. Ages. D. N. 
5 & 30) 21046ad5.  173054875.4 | 33 & 63 1158586.2  8890461.9 
1.. 31} 14912120.8 158142754.6 | 34.. 64 1054662.4 7835799.5 
2.. 32! 11977675.0 146165079.6 | 35.. 65 958175.1 6877624.4 
3.. 33 10635518.3 135529561.3 | 36.. 66: 868119.6 6009504.8 
4.. 341 9638660.5 125890900.8 § 37.. 67 784153.2 5225351.6 
5.. 35 8905371.1 116985529.7 } 38.. 68 705949.5 4519402.1 
6.. 36] 8234466.8 108751062.9 { 39.. 69! 633197.9 3886204.2 
7.. 37 7661226.5 101089836.4 {| 40.. 70 565600.1 3320604 .1 
8.. 38 7158154.5 93931681.9 | 4l.. 71 502732:.9 2817871.2 
9.. 39 6718241.1 87213440.8 ' 42.. 72 444368.5 2373502.78 
10. 40, 6323846.1 80889594.7 4 43.. 73 390286.74 1983216.04 
11... 4} 5956207.8 74933386.9 44.. 74 340378.77 1642837.27 
12.. 42  5607307.4 69326079.5 45.. 75 294406.58 1348430.69 
i3.. 43 5274289.4 64051790.1 | 46.. 76 252143.64 1096287.05 
14.. 44 4958036.7 59093753.4 47.. 77 214327.04 881960.01 
15.. 45 4657795.7 54435957.7 48.. 78 180899.02 701060.99 
16.. 46 4372841.8 50063115.9 } 49.. 79 151759.72 549301.27 
17.. 47 4100166.6 45962949.3 | 50.. 80 125923.02 423378.25 
18... 48 3838020.7 42124928.6 51. 81 102832.44 320545 .81 
19.. 49 3586343.0 38538585.6 [ 52.. 82 82569.81 237976.00 
204s 50, 3344534.1 385194051.5 53... 83, 4920.40 173055.60 
21.. 51 3110795.9 32083255.6 54.. 84 49432.15 123623.45 
929.. 52. 92887533.4 20195722.2 55.. 85 36911.35 86712.10 
O35 53| 92677205.4 26518516.8 56... 86 27001.08 59711 .02 
94.. 54. 92479173.4 24039343.4 57.. 87 19372.27 40338.756 
25.. 55, 2292824.8 21746518.6 | 58.. 88 13558.749 26780.007 
26.. 56] 2117579.7 19628938.9 59.. 89 9467.047 17312.960 
27... 57] 1952878.5 17676060.4 60.. 90 6555.589 10757.371 
28.. 58] 1798190.1 15877870.3 61.. 91 4515.026 6242.345 
929.. 59] 1653006.2 14224864.1 | 62.. 92 2964 .531 3277.814 
30. 60 1516841.7 12708022.4 i 63.. 93 1835.855 1441.9595 
31.. 61. 1389234.1 11318788.3 | 64.. 94 957.2980 484.6615 
32.. 62 1269740.2 10049048.1 65.. 95 393.7711 90.8904

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