°t Lives
Preparatory Table for finding the Values of Annuities, &c. on Two Joint Lives,
(Northampton 3 per Cent.)
Difference of Age Thirty-One Years.
V Se
aT Ages. PD: N. Ages. D. N.
3.4 _ ee Se Ta. eee BE AL BA
8,87 0 & 31 20083954. 163748521.3 33 & 64[1074025.8 8005953.3
1.39 1.. 32, 14225853.2 149522668.1 34.. 65| 976096.0 7029857.3
4.833 2 33| 11422869.8 138099798.3 35.. 66| 884665.7 6145191.6
0.587 3.. 34; 10139583.8 127960214.5 36.. 67| 799389.3 5345802.3
0.12 hr 351 9186113.4 118774101.1 37.. 68 719937.8 4625864 .5
3.198 5.. 36] 8484284.1 110289817.0 38.. 69, 645998.4 3979866. 1
4392 65... 37{N7842251 .2 8102447565. E39, . 70, 577270.1 3402596.0
8157 7.. 38} 7293562.4 95154003.4 40., 71 513468.5 2889127.5
TA 8.. 39° 6811956.8 88342046.6 41.., 72 454195.2 2434932.29
A 9,. 40! 6390706.1 81951340.5 !' 42,. 73. 399229,85 2035702.44
3.2053 10... 41 6011289,2 75940051.3 | 43.. 74, 348361.20 1687341.24
11... 42, 5657615.2° 70282436.1 | 44,. 75 301476.69 1385864 .55
12. 43, 5322037.8 64960398.3 45., 76 258347.80 1127516.75
13.. 44° 5003332.1 59957066.2 46.. 77] 219733.74 907783.01
14.. 45 4700740.5 55256325.7 47.. 78 185580.54 722202 .47
15.. 46] 4413534.6 50842791.1 i848.. 790155791.49 566410.98
164+ 47] 4141014,1 46701777.0 ° 49.. 80 129404.96 437006.02
17.. 48' 3880325.0 42821452.0 50.. 81, 105832.96 331173.06
11.9 18.. 49! 3629801.2 39191650.8 51., 82, 85083.06 246090.00
19. 19.. 50] 3388198.1 35803452.7 1" 52.. 83 66958,47 179131. 53
oh 20... 51 3155060.2 32648392.5 : 53.. 84 51034.30 128097.23
vat § 21.. 52 2930976.6 29717415.9 54... 85 33147.77 89949.46
o LE 53] 2718099.6 26999316.3 55.. 86 27936.94 62012.52
02.1 23.. 54. 2517630.0 24481686.3 56.. 87 20067.70 41944,829
134.2 24.. 551 2328951.3 22152735.0 57... 88 14063.662 27881.167
oa. 25.. 56] 2151479.1 20001255.9 | 58.. 89, 9833.225 18047942
heh 26.. 57] 1984649.8 1£016606.1 | 59.. 90 6819.357 11228.585 27.+ 58) 1827928.6 16188677.5 | 60.. 91, 4704.307 6524.278
5.04 28.. 59 1680803.4 14507874.1 ' 61.. 92 3094.248 3430.030
9837.37 29... 601 1542785.4 12965088.7 62.. 98 1918.791 1511.2397
Ba 30.. 61] 1413408.6 11551680.1 63.. 94 1002.5907 508.6490
287.5 Les 62) 1292226.3010259453. 3064, .. 95 413.0736 95.5754
1460. & 32.. 63! 1179474.2 9079979.1
1060, — —
og Difference of Age Thirty-Two Years.
Of Se
0543.81 = EX
7976.00 Ages. D. N. Ages. D. N.
055.60 rm ecient ete ert sett rere emt
preg 0& 32. 19159674, '154845356.41 12 & 44 5048627.5 60803022.0
112.10 1.. 33] 13566912.6 141278443.8 13.. 45 4743685.4 56059336:6
11.9 2.. 34] 10890221.1 130388222.7 14.. 46 4454227.3 51605109.3
08.76 3.. 35| 9663517.7 120724705.0 15.. 47 4179549.5 47425559.8
oil 4.. 36| 8751751.6 111972953.4 16.. 48 3918982.3 43506577.5
QTR nl I
ToL) 5.. 37| 8080169.5 103892783.9 17.. 4Y 3669810.5 39836767.0
57.371 05s 38, 7465899.8 96426884.1 18.. 50 3429255.4 36407511.6
gl 3 7. 39, 06940815,7 89486(68.4 19.., 51 3196250.5 3321126141
a 814 8.. 40 6479852.8 83006215.6 20.. 52 2972682.2 302385789
Gee 43 6074844.6 76931371,0 21.,:53 2758993.8 27479585,1
0404 +
oe 10.. 42 5709935.3 71221435.7 22.. 54 2556086.6 949234985
ty 11... 43 5369786.2 65851649.5 23.. 55 2365077.8 22558420. 7