Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Li Preparatory Table for finding the Values of Annuities, &c. on Two Joint Lives, 
(Northampton 3 per Cent.) 
Difference of Age Thirty-Three Years—continued. 
Ages, D. N. Ages. D. N. 
3.93 46 & 79 163855.01 600212.78 i 55 & 88, 15073.486 30086.634 
3.49 47.. £0 136280.70 463932.08 56.. 89; 10565.580 19521.054 
5.42 48.. 81 111648,77 352283.31 57... 90 7346.892 12174.162 
17 49.. 82 89986.99 262296.32 58s 91| 5082.867 7091,295 
LY 50.. 83 71009.79 191286.53 59,. 92 3353.685 3737.610 
1% 5l.. 84 54238.60 137047.93 + 60.. 93) 2086.710 1650.9007 
ut 52., 85  40620.58 96427.35 G1l.. 94 1093.7354 557.1653 
1m 53.. 86  29808.45 66618.90 , 62,. 95! 452.1611 105.0042 
Bo 54.. 87 21458.78  45160.120 
5.43 = : ; 
an Difference of Age Thirty-Four Years. 
4, 19] = 
hi Ages. D. N. Ages. 1D, N. 
7418 Ea a——. 
Lill 0& 34° 17420167. 138188429,8' 31 & 65 1029859.0 7483620.8 
7611 1.. 35! 12327006.0  125861423.8 32,. 66! 934304.1 6549316.7 
LW 2.. 36] 9888148.7 115973275.1 | 33.. 67] 845097.8 5704218.9 
0.3505 3.. 37| 8768063.5 107205211. 6 34.. 68 761903.2 4942315.7 
4.. 38! 7934903.5 99270308,1 | 35.. 69 684399.9 4257915.8 
5... 391 7320364.1 91949944.0 § 36.. 70 612279.7 3645636.1 
6.. 400 6758436.3 85191507.7 * 37.. 71] 545251.2 3100584.9 
7.. 41 6276103.7 78915404,0 38.. 72 483037.1 2617347 .86 
8.. 42 5850797.2 73064606.8 , 39.. 73 425371.27 2191976.59 
9.. 43" 5476742.5 67587864,3 40., 74 372001.46 1819975.13 
10.3 10.. 44° 5141030.1 62446834.2 | 41.. 75 322596.37 1497378.76 
3.4 11.. 45  4829575.0 57617259,.28842, , 76! 276960.29 1220418.47 
i] 12.. 461 4535612.8 53081646.4 ' 43.. 77 235953. 84 984464.63 
Oy 13.. 47 4956620.3 48825026.1, 44... 78 199625.11 784839.52 
A 14., 48° 3991920.8 44833105.3 % 45.. 79 167886 .78 616952.74 
3 15, 2 3740861.3 44092244.0 i 46., 80 139718.57 477234.17 
i 16.. 50 3501594.3  37590649.7  47.. 811 114538.16 362696.01 
: i7.. 51 3270639.1 34320010.6, 48.. 82 92377.66 270318.35 
a4 18... 6 3047984.0 31272026.6 49., 831 72973.30 197345,05 
) 19.. 531 2834784.4 28437242.2  50.. 84 53821.21 141523,84 
J 20.. 54] 2631461.8  25805780.4 } 51.. 85  41857.00 99666. 84 
Lj 21.. 53, 2437330.6  23368449.8 52's 86! 30744.25 6£922.59 
10 22.. 56 2253177.2 21115272.6| 53.. 87 22154.28 46768.317 
02 23.. 57] 2079963.9  19035308,7 54. , 5 15578.399 31189.918 
9 24.. 58! 1917144.2 17118164.5 55,, 89 10931.758 20258.160 
v3 25., 59 1764194.9  15353969.6 I 56.. 90! 7610.659 12647.501 
wh 26.. 601 1620616.5 13733353.1' 57.. 91 5979. 147 7375.354 
rp 27.. 61  1485932.6 12247420.5 58.. 92 3483.403 3891.951 
oo 28.. 62 1359686.4 10887734.1 59.. 93 2170.670 1721.2812 
8.3 29.. 63; 1242138.1  9645596.0 60.. 94! 1139.5879 581.6940 
1 30.. 64" 1132116.2 8513479.8 1 61., 95 471.9463 109.7477 

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