Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Preparatory Table for finding the Values of Annuities, &c. on Two Joint Lives, 
(Northampton 3 per Cent.) Pr 
Difference of Age Thirty-Eight Years. 
Ages. D. N. Ages. D. N. 
0 & 38, 14340929. 1090792791 y 29 & 67 906042.3  6177364.9 to 
1.. 39] 10133005.3 98946273.8 | 30.. 65 817836.9 5359508.0 — - 
9.. 40| 8115695.2 90830578.6 | 31.. 69 735601.9 4623906. 1 34 
3.. 411 7182828.5 83647750.1 | 32.. 70° 658959.2 3964946.9 B01 
4.. 42° 6485681.5 77162068.6 ° 33.. 71 557628.3 3377318.6 HT 
5.. 43] 5967596.1 71194172.5 34.. 72) 521322.7 2855995.95 5. 
6.. 44 5491334.4 65700138.1 35.. 73 459767.87 2396228. 08 oo 
7.. 45, 5088961.8 60611176.3 36.. 74 402703.09 1993524.99 Tu 
8.. 46 4732565.6 55878610.7 37.. 75 349879.74 1643645.25 R71 
9.. 47 4420010.3 51458600.4 38.. 76 301061.09 1342584.16 B74 
10.. 48, 4139256.4 47319344.0 , 39.. 77 257164.74 1085419.42 ne 
11.. 49 3878824.1 43440519.9 | 40.. 78 218171.18 867248.24 Za 
12.. 50 3631934.7 39808585.2 A 41.. 79 183962.14 683286.10 2.8 
13.. 51| 3395439.8 36413145.4 | 42.. 80 153470.05 529816.05 8.8 
14,. 52 3170204.6 33242940.8 43.. 81 126095.70 403720.35 4. k 
15.. 53) 2956921.7 30286019.1 . dd.. £2 101940.30 301780.05 
16.. 54; 2755035.9 27530963.2 45.. 83; 80727.95 221052.10 
17.. 55] 2562569.0 24968414.2 { 46.. 84, 61936.73 159115.87 
1S.. 56| 2378378.8 22500035. | 47.. 85  46621.70 112493.67 
19.. 57] 2202389.3 20387646.1 ' 48.. 86 34396.13 78097 .54 
20.. 58 2034908.8 18352737.3 § 49.. 87 24902.36 53195.184 ; 
21.. 59| 1875383.7 16477353.6 § 50.. 88 17591.892 35603.292 
22.. 60] 1724391.3 14752962.3 { 51.. 89 12356.472 23206.820 0 
23.. 61 1582631.0 13170331.3 | 52.. 90  8665.729 14541.091 : 
24.. 62 1449632.6 11720698.7 53.. 91  6029.269 8511,822 . 
25.. 63, 1325690.0 10395008.7 { 54.. 92 4002.276 4509.546 bad 
26.. 64 1209570.0  9185438.7 55.. 93 2506.509 2003.0378 bod 
27.. 65 1101542.9  8083895.8 56.. 94  1322.9947 680.0431 
928.. 66 1000438.6  7083407.2 57.. 95 551.0865 128.9566 
Difference of Age Thirty-Nine Years. 03 
TT TT = = 0, 3 
Ages. D. N. Ages. D. N. IL, 5) 
0 & 39] 13647342. 102601425.7 | 16 & 55 25838098.3 25354869.5 B., 8 
1.. 40] 9638990.0 92962435.7 | 17.. 56 2404594.2 22950275.3 H.. 5 
2.. 41 7714576.0 85247859.7 | 18.. 57 2229077.3 20721198.0 _ 
3.. 42 6822743.9 78425115.8 1 19.. 58 2061475.2 18659722.8 hen 
4.. 43" 6155725.0 72269390.8 ' 20.. 59 1902069.0  16757653.8 at 
5.. 44] 5661021.5 66608369.3 | 21.. 60 1750335.0 15007318.8 R.§ 
6.. 45 5209207.3 61399162.0 ' 22.. 61 1606805.5 13400513.3 19, 3 
7.. 461 4822089.7 56577072.3 ' 23.. 62 1472119.1 11928394, 2 10.5% 
8.. 47) 4481667.0 52095405.3 24.. 63 1346577.9 10581816.3 as 
9.. 48 4183019.5 47912385.8 25.. 64 1228933.4 9352882.9 oh 
10.. 49! 3914694.5 43997691.3 26.. 65 1119463.8 8233419.1 2. 
11.. 50! 3664519.7 40333171.6 27.. 66 1017034.6 7216384.5 A, § 
12.% 51 3426178.9 36906992.7 28.. 67  921278.4 6293106, 1 "i 
13.. 52 38199166.8 33707825.9 29.. 68  831845.3 5463260.8 =u 
14.. 23) 9984184.5 30723641.4 30.. 69  748402.4 4714858.4 uh 
15.. 54 2780673.6 27942967.8 3l.. 70  670629.1 4044229.3 Hil 

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