Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Preparatory Table for finding the Values of Annuities, &c. on Two Joint Lives. 
(Northampton 3 per Cent.) 
Difference of Age Forty-One Y ears. 
Ages. D. N. Ages. D. N. 
0 & 41) 12340356. 90521110.1 28 & 69 774003.5 4896335 .2 
xX. 2) 8703249.4/ 81817860.7 I 99., 70] 693968.9 4202366.3 
2.4 43! 6955033.3  74862827.4 30.. 711 619411.0 3582955.3 
3.. 44 6142964.8 68719862.6 3l.. 72| 550037.0 3032918.33 
4,, 451 5536446.7 63183415.9 | 32.. 73 485565.33 2547353.00 5 
Des 46! 5085778.7 1 58097637.2 33.. 74 425729.32 2121623.68 .n 
6.. 47) 4674344.0 53423293.2 34.. 75 370274.28 1751349.40 37 ui 
7 es 48 4321602.6  49101690.6  35.. 76 318957.73 ' 1432391.67 ie 
8.. 49, 4011268.4 45090422.2 36... 77 9272760.98 1159630.69 
9.. 501 3737510.3 41852911.9 37.. 78 231675.57 9274955.12 3.1 
10... 511 3488886.7  37864025.2 | 38.. 79 195643.93 732311.19 hoe 
11.. 52. 3257091.2 34606934.0 39.. 80 163519.21 568791.98 og 
12. 53] 3038710.1 31568223.9 © 40.. 81 134652,72 434139.26 as 
13... 54 9831949.2 28736274.7 4l.. 82 109081.64 325057 .62 2s 
14.. 551 2636266.9 26100007 .8 42,. 83, 86543.96 238513.66 
15.. 56! 2451149.4 23648858.4 | 43.. 84 66508.71 172004.95 
16.. 57 2276098.9 21372759.5 | 44... 85 50149.99 121854.96 
17.. 58, 2109453.4 19263306.1 45.0 86! 387066.56 84788.40 
18.., 59. 1950250.7 17313055.4 | 46.. 87! 26887.08 57901.319 
19.. 60 1798417.2 15514638.2 | 47.. 88 19038.897 38862.422 
20.. 61 1654187.7 13860450.5 | 48.. 89; 13459,282 925403.140 - 
21.. 62 1517092.2 12343358.3 ''49,. 90 9444.166 15958.974 . 
22.. 63 1388353.9 10955004.4 50... 91 6594.801 9364.173 LE 
93.. 64 1267660.4 9687344.0 ! 51.. 92 4391.428 4972.745 Aas 
24.. 65 1155305.8 8532038.2 | 52.. 93, 2758.390 2214.3553 2 
925.. 66, 1050126.8 7481911.4 53.. 94 1460.5504 753.8049 
26.. 67 951750.6 6530160.8, 54... 95 610.4417 143.3632 
27 os 68 859822.1 5670338.7 
Difference of Age Forty-Two Years. 
Ages. D. N. Ages. D. N. 10. 
0& 42, 11721718. | 84904646.6 | 17 & 59! 1971747 .4 17585349.5 oh 
las o £264474.9 76640171.7 1 18.. 60: 1820210.0 15765139.5 Wl 
9.. 44 6597730.8 70042440.9 ; 19.. 61 1675783.7 14089355.8 Fi 
3.. 45 5824177.2 64218263.7 1 20.. 62 1538679.3 12550676.5 ts 
d.. 46} 5246108.0 58972155,7 § 21.. 63 1409241.9 11141434.6 oe 
5 ol 47] 4816154.2  54156001.5 | 929.. 64 1287023.8 9854410.8 TH 
6.. 4% 4423716.3 49732285.2 © 23... 65: 1173226.9 8681183.9 Wd 
7. 40 4087148.0 45645137.2 | 24.. 66) 1066673.4 7614510.5 I 
R.. 50 3789646.5 41855490.7 25.. 67 966986.9 6647523.6 8. 
9.. 517 3525773.6 38329717.1 ¢ 26.. 68 873810.6 5773713.0 
10.. 52 3287211.9 35042505.2 27... 69 786803.9 4986909. 1 lhe 
11.. 53° 3065972.8 31076532.4 28.. 70 705638.7 4281270.4 “lu 
12.. 54 2857587.0 29115945.4 29... 71 630005.3 3651265.1 & 
13.. 55 2660351.2 26458594.2 30.. 72 559608.3 3091656.79 B 
14.. 56 2473749.0 93984845.21 3l.. 73 494164.47 9597492 .32 a. 
15.. 57 2297279.8 91687565.4 32... 74 433404.73 2164087.59 
16.. 58 2130468.5 19557096.9 33.. 75 377072.46 1757015.13 

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