Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Preparatory Table for finding the Values of Annuities, &c. on Two Joint Lives. 
(Northampton 3 per Cent.) 
Difference of Age Forty-Seven Years—continued. 
Ages. D. N. | Ages D. N. 
16 & 63] 1496414.3 12053817.2 33 & suf 183353.08 644791.63 
17.. 64} 1373513.9  10680303.3 34.. 81 151322.21 443469.39 
18.. 65 1257336.0 9422967.3 35.. 82 122904.58 370564.81) 
19.. 66! 1146976.8 8275990.5 36.. 83, 97803.12 272761.069 
20.. 67 1042558.1 7233432.4 37.. $4 75118.22 197343.47 
21.. 68 943752.7 6289679.7 38.. 85 57070.87 140272.60 
22.. 69 850806.4 5433873.3 39.. 86 42338.96 §7933.64 
923. 70! 763988.2 46748t5.1 40.. 87 30831.09 67102.554 
24.. 71] 682976 .6 3991908.5 41.. 88 21914.436 45188.118 
25.. 72" 607465.5 3384443.02 | 42.. 89 15549.176 29633.942 
25+ 73 537160.22 2847282.80 | 43.. 90 10949.571 18689.371 
27.. 74' 471781.78 2375501.02 | 44.. 91 7677.392 11011.979 
28.. 75 411063.37 1964437.65 = 45.. 92 5138.098 5873.81 
29,. 76  354750.98 1601686.67 | 46.. 93 3245.766 2628.1157 
30.. 77 303953.46 1305733.21 | 47.. 94 1728.9517 §99.1640 
31.. 78 25868:4.39 1047048.82 | 48.. 95 727.2218 171.9422 
32.. 79 218904.11 828144.71 
Difference of Age Forty-Eight Years. 
Ages. D. N. | Ages. D. N. 
0 & 48) 8497327. 56463740.3 | 24 & 72 617036.8 3442906 .24 
1.. 49] 5966891.1 50496849.2 25.. 731 5456759.37 2897146.87 
2.. 50} 4746344.9 45750504.3 + 26.. 74 479457.18 2417689.69 
3.. 51 4168835.4 41581668.9 b 27.. 75 417861.55 1999828.14 
4.. 52 3733809.4 37847859.5 © 28.. 76 360716.53 1639111.61 
es 53! 3407302.8 34440556.7 | 29.. 77 309152.22 1329959.39 
6.. 54 3109862.7 31330694.0 | 30.. 7s 263185.85 1066773.54 
7.. 55 2853988.9 28476705.1 - 31.. 79 222780.79 843992.75 
8.. 56 2628330.0 25848375.1 | 32.. 80 186658.73 657334.02 
9.. 57 2429448.6 93418926.5 33.. 81 154100.50 503233.52 
10.. 58) 2250215.8 21168710.7 | 34.. 82 125203.29 378030.23 
11.. 59| 2084048.0 19084662.7 | 35.. 83 99667.23 278363.00 
19.. 60 1927789.8 17156872.9 | 36.. 84 76883.60 201479.40 
13.. 61 1780218.2 15376654.7 37.. 85 58201.74 143277.66 
14.. 62 1640918.1 13735736.6 3S.. 86 43194.87 100082.79 
15.. 63; 1510339.6 12225397.0 39.. 87 31467.22 68615.577 
16. . 64 1387197.3 10838199.7 { 40.. 88 22382.403 46233.174 
17.. 65; 1271194.8 9567004.9 | 41.. §9 15893.027 30340.147 
18.. 66/ 1160875.5 8406129.4 | 42.. 90 11200.472 19139.675 
19.. 67 1056169.0 7349960.4 43.. 91 7857.439 11282.236 
20.. 68, 957181.6 6392778.8 ' 44.. 92 5261.488 6020.748 
21,. 69, 863606.9 5529171.9 45.. 93 3325.630 2695.1187 
22.. 70 775658.0 4753513.9 46.. 94 1772.5669 922.5518 
23.. 71 693570.9 4059943.0 47.. 95 746.0418 176.5100 
re - - iggy

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