Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Preparatory Table for finding the Values of Annuities, &c. ou Two Joint Lives 
i. (Northampton 3 per Cent.) 
Difference of Age Sixty-One Years. 
Ages. D. N. . Ages. D. N. 
0& 61 3755122. 19176930.6 18 & 79, 271988.99 1048942 ,72 
La 62 2593448.2 16583482.4 19.. 80 229147.28 815795.44 
9% 1 2.. 63° 2028361.4 14555121.0 20.. 81: 190106.68 629688.76 
ia 3.. 64 1750713.8 12804407.2 | 21.. 82 155086.57 474692.19 
ads doa 651 1540248.4  11264158.8 | 22.. 83 123900.52 35070 .67 
Ri. 5.,. 66! 1378622.5 0885536.3 23.. 84 95933.54 254768 13 
15.50 6.. 67| 1232095.6 8653440.7 24.. 85 72902.95 181865.18 
7.. 68; 1105036.0 7548354.7 25.. 86 54321.69 127543.49 
RL 5. 69 992465.2  6555889.5 : 26.. 87, 39736.91 87806582 
850.39 9.. 701 892356.8 0663532.7 27.. 88 28385.937 59420.645 
HD 10.. 71 801632.3  4861900.4 | 28.. 89 20251.441 39169.201 
BLY il.. 72 717600.5  4144299.93 | 29.. 90  14346.383 24822,891 
364.651 12.. 73 638974.16 3505325.77 ' 30.. 91 10121.877 14700.944 
i 13.. 74 565217.07 2940108.70 31.. 92 6818.105 7882.839 
7A.335 14.. 75) 496085.97  2444022.73 32.. 93 4336.211 3546.6179 
pl 15.. 76° 431348.56 2012674.17 ; 33.. 94  2326.1446 1220.4733 
gt 91q 16.. 77 372438.30 1640235.87 | 34.. 95 985.6341 234.8392 
ps 17.. 78 319304.16  1320931.7] w= 
WL7.765 Difference of Age Sixty-Two Years. 
Ages. | 1. N. Ages. D, N. 
0 & 62 3492910. 117371032.1 4 17 & 79] 274986.96 1063831.47 
158 63, 2409079.5 114961952.6 18.. 80! 231924.01 831907.46 
2.. 64; 1880319.8 13081632.8 19.. 81 192588,58 639318.88 
3.e 63 1620295.5 11461337.3 20.. 82 157293.34 482025.54 
4.. 661 1422083.7 10039253.6 21.. 83 125764.63 356260.91 
5.. 671 1269474.9 8769778.7 | 22.. 84 97398.92 258861.99 
6.. 68 1131197.7 7638581.0 23.. 85] 74033.81 184828.18 
Lo 7s 69 1011239.4 6627341.6 | 24.. 86, 55177.60 129650.58 
a 8,. 70° 904804.7  5722536.9 ‘ 25.. 87| 40373.03 89277.548 
1600 9.. 71N210107.8 4912429.1 26.. 881 28847.747 60429.801 
Irth. 10... 720724236,7 4188192.39 27.. 89, 20586.361 39843.440 
196.4 17... 73, 644706.93 3543485.46 ' 28.. 90| 14587.634 25255.806 
18.8 12.. 74° 570334.01 2973151.45 29.. 91; 10294.999 14960.807 
13.. 75, 500618.09 2472533.36 30.. 92 6936.750 8024.057 
ge 14.. 76 435325.59 2037207.77 31.., 93 4413.013 3611.0440 
Re 15.. 77) 375904.14 1661303.63 32., 94  2368.0824 1242.9616 
5.3 16.. 78 322485.20 1338818.43 33.. 95 1003.7302 239.2314 
1135.617 Ee 
aati Difference of Age Sixty-Three Years. 
Bhi ledd a 
4404969 : 
080.857 Ages. D. N. Ages. D. N. 
141.50 0& 63] 3244598. 15686133.8 . 5& 68 1165516.0 7741635.6 
1.. 64] 2233251.0 13452882.8 6.. 6991035133.6 6706502.0 
0.107 2.. 65] 1740246.6 11712636.2 Zee 70 921920.6 5784581 .4 
] 3.. 66] 1495989.5 10216646.7 8., 71 821408.3 4963173.1 
4., 67' 1309495.1 8907151.6 9... 72 731893.8 4231279.29

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