Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Preparatory Table for finding the Values of Annuities, &c. on Two Joint Lives. 
(Northampton 3 per Cent.) 
Difference of Age Sixty-Three Years—eontinued. 
Ages. D. N. ! Ages. D. N. 
10& 73] 650669.00 3580610.20 | 22& 8 75164.67  187791.18 
11.. 74! 575450.95 3005159.34 23.. 86 56033.51 131757.67 43 
12.. 75 505150.21 2500009.13 24.. 87: 41009.16 90748.514 “inn 8 
13.. 76! 439302.62 2060706.51 1 25.. 83 29309.557 61438.957 wee B 
14.. 77. 379369.97 1681336.54 * 26.. 89' 20921.279 40517.678 eh 
15.. 78] 325486.18 1355830.36 | 27.. 90° 14828.886 925688.792 Ht 
16.. 79| 277726.49 1078123.87 | 28.. 91  10468.122 15220.670 3.1 
17.. 80| 234480.33 843643.49 1 29.. 92 7055.394 8165.276 U.. 8 
18.. 811 194922,32 648721.17 30.. 93 4489.806 3675.4701 
19.. 82, 159346.85 489374.32 ' 3l.. 94 2410.0201 1265.4500 
20.. 83; 127554.17 361820.15 | 32.. 95° 1021.8263 243.6237 
21.. 84! 98864.30 . 262955.85 
Difference of Age Sixty-Four Years. 0d 
Ages. D. N. | ages D. N. 
0 & 64 3007788. 14117346.9 16 & 80] 236816.37 854888.85 - 
1.. 65] 2066886.3  12050460.6 17.. 197070.84 657818.01 
2.. 66' 1606738.2  10443722.4 18.. 82(8161977.77 496540 .24 
3... 67 1377549.9 9066172.5 | 19.. 83 129219.42 367320.82 
4.. 68 1202259.0 7863913.5 § 20.. 84 100271.07 267049.75 
5.. 69; 1066537.4 6797376.1 21.. 85 76295.54 190754.21 
6. 70! 943704.3 5853671.8 | 22.. 86] 56889.42 133%64.79 wi. 
7.. 71 836946.5 5016725.3 ! 23.. 87] 41645.30 92219.491 
S.. 72 742103.3 4274622.01 24... 88 29771.377 62448.114 Be. 
9.. 73 657548.32 3617073.69 25.. 89 21256.199 41191.915 ! 
10.. 74 580772.57 3036301.12 26.. 90 15070.136 26121.779 
11.. 75 509682.33 2526618.79 27.. 91 10641.245 15480.534 
12.. 76 443279.65 2083339.14 28.. 92 7174.040 8306.494 
13.. 77 382835.80 1700503.34 29.. 93  4566.598 3739.8961 
14.. 7& 328487.16 1372016.18 30.. 94 2451.9577 1287.9384 
15.. 79 280310.96 1091705.22 31.. 95 1039.9224 248.0160 
Difference of Age Sixty-Five Years. 
Ages. D. N. | Ages. D. N. 
0 & 65 2783725.0 12658492.7 9& 74 586912.90 3066911.09 
1.. 66] 1908318.8 10750173.9 10.. 75 514395.73 2552515.36 
2.. 67] 1479530.4 9270643.5 11.. 76 447255.68 2105258.68 
3.. 68. 1264740.6 8005902.9 12.. 77 386301.63 1718957.05 
4.. 691 1100160.0 6905742.9 | 13.. 78 331488.14 1357468.91 ¥ 
5.. 70' 972334.3 5933408.6 | 14.. 79 282895.42 1104573.49 I. 
6.. 71 856722.5 5076686.1 © 15.. §0 239020.13 863553.36 IL; 
7.. 7% 756141.4 4320544.73 16... 81 199034.13 666519.23 La 
8.. 73 666720.74 3653823.99 17.., 82 163055.45 503463.78 1.

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