Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Joint Lives. ) 
Preparatory Table for finding the Values of Annuities, &c, on Two Joint Lives. 
(Northampton 3 per Cent.) 
Difference of Age Eighty-Five Years. 
¥ Ages. D. N. Ages. D. N. 
ad 0& 85) 175660.7  235359.41 | 6 & OI 13999.814  20232.312 
prod 1.. 86] 98714.84 186644.57 7.. 92 9372,917 10859.595 
hg 2.0 87] 61772.44 1248721129 | 81. 93  5053.08s 4905.4099 
ge yA 3.. 88 41753.804 83118,325 9.. 94 3206.8365 1698.5734 
SAE a:+ 89, 98785.179  54333.146  10.. 95 1369 9754 329.3020 
SRI 5.. 90° 20101.020 34232.126 
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Difference of Age Eighty-Six Years. 
Ages. D. N. Ages, D. N. 
0& 86] 132951.2 204280.89 | 5& 91 14424.541 20628.666 
X 1.. 87] 73366.97 130913.919 6.. 92 9594. 387 11034.279 
——— 2.. 88] 44844.854 86069.065 7.. 93 6066.614 4967.6654 
ig. 5 3.. 89) 30281.152 55787.913 8.. 94 5251.5700 1716.0954 
wa 4. 900 20734.706  35053.207 9. 95 1383. 7480 332.3472 
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1ia.Jat Difference of Age Eighty-Seven Years. 
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A173 Ages. D. N. Ages. D. N. 
0 & 87| 98812.1 143623.973 5& 92 9885.461 11261.950 
1.. 88] 53262.116 90361.857 | 6.. 93, 609.960 5051.9905 
2.. 891 32522.877 07838.980 7.. 94 3313.0787 1738.9118 
3.. 90 21812.294 36026.686 | 8,, 95 1403.0507 335.8611 
q 4.. 91 14879.975. 21147.411 
sy Difference of Age Eighty-Eight Years. 
1.9 _ 
RR. 1084 Ages. D. N. Ages. D. N. 
99.4457 0 & 88] 71734.52 99463.914 4 & 92 10197.101 11559.857 
1.. 89) 38627.336 60836.578 5.. 93  6398.357 5161.5001 
2.. 90| 23427.066 37409.512 6.. 94 3391.3623 1770.1378 
3.. 91" 15652.554 21756.958 7.. 95" 1429.5917 340.5461 
Difference of Age Eighty-Nine Years. 
« ; 
ail 16 Ages, D. N. Ages. D. N. 
35) "0B 8 aa TTT rr meme 
eT 0% 89 52024.10  67267.305 14 oa 6600.065 5304.6088 
or 1.. 90] 27824.9265 39443, 040 5.. 94 3494.,92495 1810.3593 
13.0068 2.. 91] 16811.319  95631.79] + g.. 95  1463.3711 346.9582 
Yo Se. 92° 10727.047  11904.674 
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