Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Assurances on Two Joint Lives. 
iia BQ 
Showing the Premium required for securing a Sum payable on the Extinction of 
the First of Two Assigned Lives, according to the Northampton Table, at 3 per 
Age. Age. 
Annual | Single Annual | Annual Single Annual 
Premium Premium Premium Premium Premium Premium 
per Cent. for £1. for £1. per Cent. for £1. for £1. 
S|» 7 
WL, 5, do Zs d 
35125, 410 4 .60787 .04515 {41 41, 514 8 ...66314" .05734 
50] 414 1 .61753 .04703 | 
35) 418 11 .62944 ,04947 j42/12° 411 5 61078  .04571 
171 415 7) .62128 . .04778 
36(11 4 1 4 .58268 .04067 29 418 11 .62942  .04947 
16 4 5 4 .59420 .04265 271 '5 111 .63632 .05096 
21 4 9 2 .60484 .04458 32: 5 5 9 .64481 .05288 
26 412 3 .61288 ,04611 z 510 10 .65549  .05542 
31 416 2 .62267 .04806 42] 5 17 8 .66886 .05883 
36) 5 1 3 .63479 .65063 
43/13; 413 11 .61716  .04695 
37112" 4 3 5 .58873 .04169 18 418 2 .62760  .04909 
174 7 7 .60055 .04379 230.5 1 3 1.634750 1.05062 
122" 411 1.60987 .04553 28] 5 4 4 .64168 .05216 
27. 414 3 61798 .04712 133} 5 8 4 .55027] .05415 
32! 418 4 .62791 .04915 be 513 8 .66112 .05682 
371 5 3 8 .64025 .05184 43] 6 0 9 .67451 .06036 
3315 4 5 7 .59496 .04278 44 14| 416 7 ..62373 .04828 
18; 4 9 10 .60672 .04493 19] 5 010 .63376 .05040 
123] 413 1 .61501 .04653 241 5 3 8 .64018 .05182 
28! 4 16 4 .62319 .04817 29] '5 6 10 .64715 .05342 
33, 5 0 7 .63325 | .05029 34] 511 0 .65382 .05550 
i38| 5 6 3 .64583 .05311 39] 5 16 7.66687  .05831 
44] 6 311 .68026 .06197 
2 4 711 .60137 . .04394 
19] 412 2 .61271 .04608 |45/10 4 1511 .62206  .04794 
24 415 2 .62025 .04757 15 419 5 .63048 .04969 
29] 418 7. .62850 .04928 20, 5 3 6 .63979 .05173 
22 5 3 0 .63871 .05149 25, 5 6 2 .64571 | .05308 
35! 5 811 .65153 .05446 30 5 9 6 .65272 | .05474 
35 51310 .66149 | .05692 
40l10] 4 6 9 .59832 ' .04338 401 519 9 .67274 .05987 
15. 410 4 .60798 .04517 1 6 7 4 .68612 .06367 
201 414 6 .61856 .04723 
tos] 417 4 .62560 .04s67 46/11 4 1c 6 .62848 | .04927 
Iso] 5 011 .63393 .05044 16005 2 58N.6374288 .05120 
351 5 5 6.64427 .05275 21 5 6 2 .64562 .05306 
40] 5 11 9 .65736  .05588 26, 5 816 .65135 1.05441 
31] 512 3, .65839 .05614 
41/11 4 9 0 .60445 .04451 36! 5 16 10 | .66727  .05841 
16] 412 11 .61469 .04646 41 6 3 0! .67865 .06151 
9" 416 9 .62409  .04836 46: 6 10 11. .69209 .06547 
419 7 .63096 .04980 
DEE. 639360 . 05164 Bre SL ICE. 635190 . 0507 1 
36 b 64987 05406 17. 5 5 7 64437 .05277

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