Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Assurances on Two Joint Lives, 
Kineton of Bhowing the Premium required for securing a Sum payable on the Extinction of 
3 the First of Two Assigned Lives, according to the Northampton Table, at 3 per 
Age. Age. 
— Annual | Single Annual | =» Annual Single Annual 
Sein Premium Premium ~~ Premium | . ¢ Premium Premium  Premivm 
ras per Cent, for £1. for£l. § =z per Cent. for £1, for £1, 
pay Th 3 = 
£. s. 4 L. 5. dd 
1 17 2 5 810 .65137 .05442 [52 17| 518 7 .67050 .05927 
270 511 7 .65i09 0358] 22. 6 1 9 .67638 .06088 
Min 32° 515 2 .66418 05760 27 6 4 4.68099 ' .06218 
Wn 370 6 0 0 .67317 .05999 32 6 7 8 .68672 .06385 
7 42' 6 6 5 .68459 06322 371 612 2 .69407 .06608 
51% 47] 614 9 .69518 .06738 42 6 18 3 .70352 .06911 
. a 7 6 1 .71485 07302 
55d els 5 4 6 .64209 .05225 521 716 8 .72901 .07835 
15883 18 5 8 9 .65120 .05438 
23 511 8 .65723 .055%5 153/13 518 1 .66959 .05903 
40% 128 514 7 .66296 .05729 IS 6 2 4 .67759 .06116 
34909 33 518 4 .67003 .05916 23 6 5 2 .68237 .06257 
i 38 6 3 4 .67920 .06167 28 6 710.6569 .06392 
Bll 43 610 0 .62057 .06500 330 611 4 .69:270 .06565 
15415 [481 6 18 10 .70440 .06941 | [38 616 0 .70012 .06800 
RN 43" 7 2 3 .70948 .07113 
fo 4914 5 7 10 .64918 .05390 45 710 6 .72098 .07526 
19 512 0 .65789 .03601 33 8 1 7 .73459 .08078 
us 24° 514 9 .66323 .05735 
a 29 517 8 .66894 .05885 |54|14 6 1 11 .67669 <06096 
518 34 6 1 7 .67612 .06080 19) 6 6 2.63413 .06308 
hy 39 6 611 .6853; .06344 24 6 8 9 .68845 .06436 
lt 44 613 9 .69607 .0668Y 29] 611 6 .69301 .06°75 
5 (491 7 3 2 .71075 .07157 34 615 1 .69876 .06756 
pr 391 7 6 1 .70628 .07003 
4 50/10 5 710 .64919 .05390 4 7 6 6 .71552 .07326 
”- 15 511 3 .65635 .05763 +907 15 30.72.2100. 07764 
HY 20 515 4.65439 .05766 | 154] 8 6 8 .741.3 .(8334 
on 25| 517 10 .66923  .(05893 
" 30] 6 011 .67495 .060:8 {55|101 6 2 8 .67802 .06133 
om 35° 6 5 0 .68217 .06251) [15 6 6 1 .68396 .06303 
oo 40: 610 7.69155 .06530 | [20] 610 2 .69078 .06505 
fia 45, 6 17 9.70279  .(68&7 250 612 6 .6963 .06625 
pA 500 7 7 7.71705 07381 0 615 5 .69915 .06769 
Ad’ 30° 619 2. .70491 .06958 
i” au 511 0 .65584 .05350 0 7 4 4 .71251 .07218 
Wal 16 514 10 .66349 .05743 45 711 0 .72164 .07551 
HLH 2! 518 6 .67048 .05926 500 8 0 3 .73344 .0:014 
153 266 1 1 .67512 .06052 | 1551 812 1 .74714 .03606 
Jsl 3 3 4 3 .68084 .06213 
Nal 38 5 ® & 65813 .06426 {56[11 6 6 8 .68502 .06331 
Jost I .69758  .(6718 16] 610 6 .69139 .16525 
i : 70682 ,07090 21' 614 2 .69725 .05708 
i .72309  .07605 ' 126] 6 16 6 .70089 .06825 
31 619 6 .70539 .06974 
5200 514 5 66264 05721 ' 136" 7 3 5 71117 .07171 

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