Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Bis Assurances on Last Survivors. 
+ Bxtineton 
ambton Tabi Showing the Premium required for securing a Sum payable on the Extinction of 
the Last Survivor of Two Assigned Lives, according to the Northampton Table, 
at 3 per Cent. 
reo Age. 
“rami: Annual Single Annual Annual Siagle Annual 
org Premium Premium ' Premium Premium Premium  Premiom 
per Cent. for £1. for £1. | oy. per Cent. for £1. for £1, 
- a o | 
i Just isd, £. 5 d 
1) Jim 35/15] 1 7 1 .31716 .01352 {41{31 117 2 .38922 .01856 
5 Am 20 1 9 4 .33499 .01467 35 2 0 2 .40794 .02006 
510 25 111 6 .35081 .01573 1) (41 2 3 5 .42698 .02170 
30 113 9 .36715 .01659 
a soz) 7 Galois 
/ hd 36/11 1 5 6 .30444 .01275 2 112 9 .359:3 .01636 
os 16 1 710 .32334 .01391 2788 1 15. 400.37751 2.01766 
RS 21 110 2 .34030 .01506 32° 118 2 .39604 .01910 
_ 25 112 4.35680 .01616 § [370 2 1 4 .41519 .02068 
08 31 114 9 .37360 .01737 421 2 4 9 .43457 .02238 
A [36 117 4 .39072 .01867 ot EEE ETH TI 
RH «327 1¢ . 
Hii 37112! 1 6 3 .31033 .01310 180 111 1 ,34787 .01553 
oli 17 1 8 7 .32954 .01431 23 113 7 .36590 .01680 
NT 22 11011 .34664 .01545 28 116 4 .38400 .01815 
31 27, 113 2 .36310, .01660 33 119 4 .40296 .01966 
Ni 2 115 9 .38019° .01786 { [38 2 2 7 .42257 .02131 
: iB 1371 118 5 .30769 .01922 | [43] 2 6 2 .44223 02309 
. 3813) 1 611 .31633 .01347 |44(14) 1 9 2 .33348 .01457 
i WE 18 1 9 5 .33569 .01471 19] 11111 .35409 .01596 
th 23 111 9 .35258 .01586 24] 114 6 .37208 .01726 
|W 28 114 2 .36944 .01706 } [29] 117 4 .39062 .01866 
lili 33) 116 9 .3%692 .01837 34 2 0 6 .41604 .02024 
40 6B 38 119 7 .40480 .019s1 39] 2 4 0 .43008 .02193 
441 2 7 9 .45006 .02386 
1 M4 39/141 1 7 9 .32248 .01386 
I 19, 110 3 .34178 .01512 f45l100 1 7 3 .31905 .01364 
§1486 24 112 7 .3584 .01628 15 110 0 .33992 .01500 
#1338 2991 15 1.375910. 01754 200 1 1210 .36029 .01640 
(1663 34 117 10 .39379 .01891 25° 1 15 5.37838 .01772 
390 2 010 .41206 .02041! [30 118 5 39737 0.920 
ore 35 2 1 8 .41725 .02085 
11391 Gib 1 6 1 .30913 .01303 1 [400 2 5 4 .43776 .02267 
JI I+ 1 8 6 .32876 .01426 ' |451 2 9 3 .45803 .02461 
7 4" 131 1.34787 .01533 
fils 25 113 6 .36483 .01673 l46{11 1 8 1 .32502 ,01402 
30 116 1! .382350 .01304 16 11011 .34650 .01544 
3 350 119 + .40082 .01948 211 113 8 .36640 .01684 
i 40] 2 2 1 .41948 .02104 26) 116 5 55150 93531 
31 119 6 .404: . 
' uh 1 9 .31498 .01339 5 2 3.0 oS21ga ANH 
| 1.33515 .01468 41 6 10 .44554 
: 0.35386 .01595 | 146: 2 10 10 .46618 .02543 
2 4.371120 1.01718 

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