Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Assurances on Last Survivors. 
Showing the Premium required for securing a Sum payable on the Extinction of the L 
the Last Survivor of Two Assigned Lives, according to the Northampton Table, a3 
at 3 per Cent. 
. Age. 
Annual Single Annual | + Annual Single Annual 
Premium Premium Premium f ,-| ¥ Premium Premium Premium 
per Cent. for £1.. for £1. §.. |. per Cent. for £1. for £1. 
ol : | > 
EL. sd Ls. d. y 
wiz) 1 810 .am22 Loe zie T10 1 34084 01506 
177 111.9 .35307 .015%9 171 .1 13 4 .36401 .0)666 
22) 1:14::7 «37250 .01729 22.2.1 1575 .38455 .01819 
27 117 5.39135 .01872 271:.1 19. 7» .40452  .01978 
32 2 0 8 .41128 .02034 32] 2 3 2! .42580 .02160 
37 2 4 4 .43213 .02216 37" 2 7 4 ' .44829 .02366 ; 
2 2. 8.4 .45345 .02416 42 212 0 .47158 .025%9 
47] 2 12 7 .47448 02629 47. 217 1 .49487 .02853 
. 52] 3 2 7 .51777 .03127 
48|131 1 9 8 .33756 .01484 
18 112 8 .35956 .01635 §53|131 111 0 .34725 .01550 
23 1:15. 6 +073871 .01775 18.1 14° 4 .37056 01715 
28 118 6 .39802 .01925 23.1 17 438 .3%07608 .01368 
33 2 111 41845 .02096 28 2 0 8 .41121 .02034 
38 2 5 9 .43978 .02286 33 2 4 6 .43302 .02224 
bi 2 911 .46147 .02495 35 2 810 | .45605 .02441 
a3] 214 5 .48294 ,02720 43 213 9 .47975  .02686 , 
48 219 11 .50355 .02954 
“ls 110 7 .34403 ..01527 53 3 410 .52672 .03241 
19! 113 7 .36596 .01681 
24] 116 6 .38502 .01823 §54{14 1 11 11 .35380 .01594 
1291 119 7 .40483 .01981 19 .1:15 3.37700 .01762 
[34 2.3 2 .42574 .02159 24 118 4 .39708 .01918 
|39 2 7:2 .44759 .02359 29u¢ 9 31.36 .41803  .02002 
i 211 7 .46964 .02579 34 2 510 .44038 .02292 
49] 216 4 .49156 .02815 391 2.103 .46397 .062321 
448 2:15" 6 . 48807 02776 
i 1 8 6 .32850 .01425 49 .3 31 2 .51238 .03060 
5! 111 5 .35063 .01572 541 3 7 3 .33583 .03363 
201 114 7 .37228 .01727 
los 1 17 6 .39144 .01873 §55|100 1 9 7 .33712 .01481 
2 2 0 9 .41172 .02038 151.1 12 10 .36043 .01641 
33 2 4 6 .43316  .02225 20 .116 2 .38334 .01810 
40 2 8 9 45553 .02436 ol 1319 5 .40350 .01969 
451 2 13 4.47795 .02666 300 2 3 1 .42497 .02152 
50] 218 4 .50027 .02916 Wi 2 7°3 .44787  .02352 
1401 2 12 1 .47202 .02604 
Su 1 9 3! .33456 .01464 145, 2 17 5 .49655 .02872 
16: 0112 5 .35733 .01619 | oo 3 3 5 .52134 .03172 
21 115 6 .37845 .01773 551 3 9 10 .54569 .03490 
126} 118 6 .39793 .01925 
31 2 2 0 .41871 .02098 §56(11 1 10 5 .34325 .01522 
36: 2 5 11 .440666 .02294 16! 11310 .36730 .01692 
41 2 10:4 .46352 .02518 21 117 2 .38955 .01858 
46 215: 2 .48635 .02757 26: 2 0 6 .41003 .02023 
51 3 0 5 50898 .03019 1 131 2 4 4.43203 .02215 

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