Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Assurances on Last Survivors. 
Showing the Premium required for securing a Sum payable on the Extinetion of 
the Last Suwvivor of Two Assigned Lives, according to the Northampton Table, N 
at 3 per Cent. 
Annual | Single Annual Annual Single Annual 
Premium Premium Premium Premium Premium Premium 
per Cent. for &1. for £1. | per Cent. for £1. for £1. : 
—a- o > 
sd, £.s :d 
64/139] 2 16 8 .49305 02832 l67l62 5 3 3 .63929 .05162 
44] 3 3 4 .52100 .031868 67] 517 7 .66871 .05879 
49] 311 2.54999 .03560 
54 4 0 1 .57591 .0.004 fe8|13} 1 14 4 .37112  .01718 
5 410 3 .60770 04012 18] 118 7 .39828 01928 
64d 5 1 7.635520 .05078 23 2 2 5 .42118 .02119 
28] 2 6 7.44442 .02.30 
65/100 1 11 7 .35196 .01581 | 33 211 7 .40973 .02580 
13 115 408.3777008 01767 3g| 217 7.49720 .02880 
los] 119 4 .40293 .01965 | Bl 3 4 9 .52630 .03236 
|25] 9 3 0 .42479 02151: [48] 313 2 .55665  .03657 
sul 2 7 4 .44834 .02367 53 4 3 0 .58765 .04150 
35 212 6 .47385 .02623 sg 414 7 .6isvd 04731 
40 218 7 .50129 .0:927 63 5 8 3.83012 .05412 
5 3 5 7 1.52973 .0323C 68] 6 3 9 .67998 .06188 
50] 313 11 .55934 .03696 | 
55 4 3 5 .58874 .04169 fs9l14’ 115 4 .37781 .01768 
60! 414 3 .61810 .04714 19 119 7 .40473 .01980 
65) 5 6 6 .64646 .05326 24 2 3 6 .42732 .02173 
og 2 711 .45112 .023%4 
66/11 112 6 .35813 .01625 34 213 2 .47705 02657 
16, 116 5 .38468 .01821 39 219 6 50519  .02973 
21| 2 0 4 .40908 .02016 44. 3 7 0.53479 .03348 
126. 2 4 2.43125 .02208 49 31511 .56586 03796 
31] 8 § 43537 .02435 | [54 4 6 5 .59729  .04330 
36° 214 1 .48152 .02705 50 4 18 10 .629:5 .04943 
41 3 0 6 .50958 .03026 64 513 7 .66107 .05681 
46 3 8 0 .53858 .03399 69! 610 6 .69133 .06523 
51 3 16 10 .56870 .03840 
56) 4 611 “59867 .04345 {7010 112 5.35775 .01622 
a 418 7 .62863 .04930 la, 116 5 .38463 .01820 
66) 511 10 .65752 .05592 200 2 0 8 .41098 .02032 
25) 2 4 7 .43352 .02229 
e712. 113 5 36456 .01671 1 30° 2 9 2.45788 .02460 
17] 117 61 .39159 .01874 35 214 9 .48445 .02737 
22! 2 1 4+ .41509 .02067 40 3 1 5 .51327 .03071 
270 2 5 4 .43780 02268 45, 3 9 4 .54338 .03466 
32 210 1 .46252 .0:506 150] 318 10 .57510 .03942 
57 215 10 .48930 .02790 55. 410 0 .60701 .04498 
12 3 2 7 .51792 ..03129 60 5 3 5 .63964 .05170 
47 310 6 .54756 .03524 3 519 5 .67215 .03971 
2 319 10 .57811 03991 70 617 § .70270 .06884 
57. 410 7 .60875 .04531 

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