Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

 Bincaof Survivorship Assurances. 
upton Table. 
Showing the Premium required to secure a Sum payable on the death of A, provided 
he dies before B, according to the Northampton Table, at 3 per Cent. 
Age of fAge of | 
{pt Annual Single Annual Annual Single Annual 
fy fe Premium Premium Premium Premium Premium Premium 
¢ A. 53 per Cent, for £1, for £1, Ia. B per Cent, for £1. for £1. 
— —— —— R———— Wi—— sad sen — i - —— 
L800 id, Loi. id, 
” 14/14) 1 11 7 .26016 .01580 [17/12] 115 0 .28%63 .01751 
HW 190 111 0 .24582 01549 | [17] 114 5 27082 .01721 
bid 24) 110 4.23418 .01518 | [22] 113 10 1 .25794 .01690 
” 29) 1 9 9 22191 .01486] 27] 113 2 24577 , .01657 
tip 34 1 9 0.2043 01451] 32] 112 5, .23231 .01622 
Bo 39) 1 8 4 .19361 .01415 37/8 1 119 | .21749  .01586 
kh 4 1 7 7 .17783 .01377 0 142 111 0 .20130 .01548 
TR 49 1 6 9 | 16097 .01336 | 47] 110 2 .18430 .01509 
bon 164 1 511 1.14309 .01295( 52] 1 9 5 .16625 .01470 
hs 590 1 5 0 | -12566 01250 | 57] 1 8 7 .14772 .01429 
ih 54° 1 3.111 .16635 .01197 | 62 1 7 8 .12812 .01385 
6 83, 1 2 9. .0:591 01136] 67 1 6 9 .10701 .01336 
WP 74 1 1 4 [06.95 .010661 72 1 5 7 loss 01279 
y Mi 7 019 8 .04824 .00984 , 177] 1 4 3 .06540 .01214 
i Rl 184] 018 0 .03325 .0089s | 2) 1 2 7 .04618 .0113¢ 
13101 113 1 .27738 .01655 |18[13] 1 15 11 .28906 .01797 
rs 15 112 6 .26366 .01625] [18] 115 4 .2740a .01766 
pile 20) 11111 .24959 .01594) [23] 114 8: .26162 .01735 
BY 250 111 3 .23796 .01563 | [28] 114 0 .24905 .01701 
on 30 110 7 .22531 .01529 1 [33] 113 4 .23516 ' .01665 
Chg 35 1 911 .21141 .01494 ) (38 112 7 .21984 .01628 
, 40! 1 9 2.19609 .01457 | 143] 11110 .20328 .01390 
v B®. 9) 1 8 4.17995 .01418 | [48] 111 0 .18572 .01551 
oA 50° 1 7 71 .16261 .01378 1 53] 110 3 .16738 .01511 
yi 35 1 6 9 .14500 .01336) 58! 1 9 5 .14833 .01470 
- 60° 1 510 .12637 .01291 | 63: 1 8 7 1.12817 .01427 
g ct 1 4 9.10652 .01239) [6S] 1 7 7 .10650 .01379 
+ i 76 1 3 7 .08559 .01178 | 73] 1 6.08449 .01325 
) 175) 1 2 2 .06348 .01108 7s 1 5 3 .06467 .01262 
: sl 1 0 5 lo4724 .olo22! 83 1 3 7 .04546 .01181 
, el 114 1 .,28166 .01703 i 116 9 .29193 .01839 
» 16 113 6 .26729 .01673 19 116 2 .27695 .01808 
a 211 11210 .25379 .01642 24 115 6 .26474 .01776 
i 26) 112 2.24197 .01610 | 129' 11410 .25177 .01741 
a 31 111 6 .22893 .(1576 34 '14 1 .23742 .01704 
1» 36) 11010 .21457 .01540 ' 39] ' 13 4 .22157 | .01666 
RL a1 110 1.19880 .01503 ‘44! 112 7 .20463 .01697 
.- 46° 1 9 3 18226 .01464 49) 1 1 9 .186d8 .01588 
’ A 1 8B 6 .16454 .01424 54] 1 0 .16783 .01548 
! 1 7 8 .14650 .01383 59] 110 2.14826 .01507 
~ 1 6 9 12737 .01338 64 1 © 3 .12753 .01464 
1 5 9 .10690 .01287 69 + 4 ,10531 .01417 
bor7 08552 01228 74 3.08316 .01364 
06552 01160 79 to .06311 01302 
5 ‘6.04670 .01074 | sa © 6.04499 01226 

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