Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Survivorship Assurances. 
Showing the Premium required to secure a Sum payable on the death of A, provided 
he dies before B, according to the Northampton Table, at 3 per Cent. 
Ageof | - [Age of - 
Annual | Single Annual Annual Single Annual 
TT Premium Premium Preminm | 77 | Premium Premium ° Premium 
~ B.1 per Cent. for £1. for £1. ls] per Cent. for £1. for £1. 
Es. d £. 5 d 
44/14 3 9 1 .44590 .03452 [47|12| 3 16 2  .47696 .03808 
19 38 8 3 .42913 .03413 17] 315 4 .46007 .03768 
24 3 7 5 .41657 .033:2 29] "314 7 .44635 .03729 
59! 3 6 5 .40248 .03322 971 313 9 .43423 .03688 
|34 3 5 SEE.385330-. 03261 32, 812 7 .41815 .03627 
39 3 3 9! .3544h .03186 37. 311 1 .39907 .03556 
44 3 2 0 .34013 .03098 42 3 9 5 .37585 .03471 
49 3 0 0 .31225 .02998 78.3 7 35 .34909 .03369 
54 217 10 .28233 .02891 © [52 3 5 1.31845 .03233 
59 215 7 .25008 .02778 57 8 2 7 .28538 .03127 
54 213 2 .21537 .02660 62 219 11  .24937 .02994 
69 210 9 .17787 .02538 67 217 2 .21001 .02857 
74 2 8 3 .14048 02411 70 214 4 .16908 .02715 
79; 2 5 7! .10671 02277 77 211 4 .13157 .02568 
(84! 2 2 9 .07659 .02139 82) 2 8 0 .09452 .02401 
45/10 3 11 10 .46583  .03590 [48 13 318 7 .48255 .03927 
15 3811 0 .45053 .03551 18 317 9 .46548 .03386 
20 310 3 .43435 .03512 93 3 16 11  .45277 .03847 
250 3 9 5.42208 .03470 8 316 0 .43969 .03800 
3 8 4 .40755 .03418 33 31410 .42370 03741 
351 3 7 1 .38980 .03354 38 313 4 .40391 .03667 
40° 3 5 6 .36805 .03276 431 311 7 .38007 .03577 
45 38 3 8, .34306 .03183 48 3 9 5 .35220 .03470 
50 3 1 7 .31410 1.03078 53 3 7 0 .32077 .03348 
15502 19° 4 .28335 .02965 ! 58 3 4 4 .2864d .032i6 
60 2 16 11  .24988  .02846 163 3 1 6 .24894 03076 
650 214 5 .21369 .02722 68 2 18 8 .20804 .02932 
1 21110 .17500 .02593 73 215 8 .16614 .02783 
1751 2 9 2.13724 02460 78 212 7 .12820 .02630 
(80 2 6 4 .10247 .02315 831 2 9 1 .09114 .02454 
46/11] 31311 .47144 .03696 j49/14 4 1 1.48821 .04053 
161 313 1 .45516 .03656 {+ [19 4 0 3 .4714l .04013 
21 312 4 .44014 .03617 24103 19. 6 .45940  .03973 
96 3811 6 .42768 .03574 29] 8 18 6 .44595 .03923 
51 310 5 .41278 .03519 34] 317 3 .42942  .03862 
36¢ 3 9 1 | .39438 .03452 39] 815 9 .40887 .03785 
MTS 7 5 | .37186 .03370 44! 3 13 10 .38442 .03691 
‘160 3 5 61 .34605 .03273 430 "311 7 .35538] | .03579 
51 3 3 3 .31619 .03163 54] 3 9 0 32317 .03450 
56 3 0 10 ' .28435 .03043 b 59] 3 6 2 .28748 .03310 
51 218 4 .24964 .02918 64] 3 3 3 .21849 .03164 
66 215 9 .21191 .02787 69, 3 0 3 .20602 .03012 
71 213 1 .17205 .02652 74" 2 17 21 .16335 .02838 
761 210 3 .13433 .02512 79! 2 13 11 .12456 .02696 
811 2 7 1.09840 .02356 |s4l 210 5 .08933 .02320 

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