Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Survivorship Assurances. 
f A, vows 
Ei Showing the Premium required to secure a Sum payable on the death of A, provided 
he dies before B, according to the Northampton Table, at 3 per Cent. 
; Age of A 0 
hours) gout) Annual Single Annnal fgeot] Annual Single Annual 
or £1] rT Premium Premium Premium  ——— Premium ' Premium Premium 
L 1 per Cent. for £1. for £1. fa 5} per Cent,  for£l. for £1. 
— | = rrr Freee 
ee | £.. 5d £. 5. d 
nD 20110 4 4 6 .50891 .04225 {53/13| 4 12 11 ,52703 .04646 
hii 150 4 3 9 .49374 .04185 18) 412 1 .51001 .04604 
Hrd 20" 4 211 .47767 .04145 23] 411 4.49788 .04365 
i 25 4 2 1 .46605 .04104 | [28] 410 4 .48562 .04518 
Wily 30 4 1 1 .45221 .04052 | [33] 4 9 2 .47045 .04459 
Hoi 38 319 9 43512 .03987 38] 4 7 8 .45145 .04385 
7) 4¢ 318 2.41378 1.03907 ' (43 4 510 .42816 ,04292 
3 45 316 2.38868 .03809 | 48 4 3 7 .40021 .04178 
ii 50 3 13 10 .35853 .03691 53 4 0 9 .36749 .04039 
WT 5503 11 1 .32541 . 03556 58 317 7 .33030 .038/8 
2994 G03 8 1888. 257910, 03403 63 314 0 | .28843 .,03700 
2437 6 3 5 1 .24758 .03253 1 (68 310 3 p.24189  .03514 
1119 70 3 111 .20367 .03094 | 7303 6 7W.193890.03327 
2368 75] 218 8 .16054 .02934 78) 3 210 ,15032 .(3140 
J401 Sol 2 15 3.120540. 02763 83] 218 7 .,10745 .02931 
8! BY 1/11! 4 7 2 .51514 .04360 {54/14 4 16 1 .53300 ,04802 
(13:86 In 4 6 5 .49895 04319 19] 415 3 .51630 ,04761 
© 2: 4 5 7  .48417 .04280 24, 414 5 .50498 .,04721 
3500 26 4 4 9 .47254 .04236 29 413 5 .49240 .04672 
37d] 51 4 3 8 .45828  .04182 34" 412 2 ,47675 .04610 
13667 B04 2 4 ,44058 .04115 39° 410 8 .45703 .04532 
13377 41 4 0 7 41850 .04031 44 4 8 8 .43318 .04435 
B47 i 318 7 .39263 .03927 49 4 6 3.40404 .04314 
re 51 316 1 .36154 .03803 | 5¢ 4 3 4 .37062 .041067 
118 56 3 13 2.32722 .03660 59 319 11 .33179 .03995 
re 31 310 1 .28867 .03503| 64 316 1 .28804 .03806 
a 3 3 6 9.24605 .03339 | (69 312 2 .23951 .03608 
3 7ZINS 3 5.200700 .03172 74 3 8 2 .19043 .03410 
09630 76 3 0 1° ,15756 .03004 79; 3 4 2.14569 .03209 
po 2 216 5 11617 .02822 [84] 219 11 .10490 .02996 
053 52l12] 410 0 .52108 .04499 |55]10] 5 0 3 .55391 .03011 
013 17" 4 9 2.50425 .04457 | [15] 419 4 .53896 .04967 
3073 22| 4 8 5.49094 .04419 | 20| 418 7.52307 .04927 
13903 2704 7 608.479000.04373 25) 417 9 .5i226 .045%6 
pers 32) 4 6 4 | ;d6429 04317 £030) 4 160849634 04534 
ars 37 4 4111 .4:597 .04246 35) 415 5 .48319 .04769 
py 1227 4 3 2 ( .42322 .04158 400 4 13 9 .46270 .04688 
er 47 4 1 01 .39641 .04049 +45] 411 9 ,d3:30 .045¢6 
hi 2 318 4.36450 .03918  50| 4 9 2.40804 .04459 
me 57 315 4 ,32878 .03766 55| 4 6 1 37357 .04303 
p 2 312 0 2868 .03599 60 4 2 5 .333:3 .04120 
a 73 8 6.24407 .03424 65) 3 18 4.28734 .03918 
- 3 411 ,19734 .03247 700 314 2 .23693 .03707 
(3 1 5.154120 1.03071 5) 3 911 .187i0 .03497 
1821 2 17 6  ,11160 .02875 Iss! 3 65 7 .14077 .03280 

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