Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Survivorship Assurances. 
Showing the Premium required to secure a Sum payable on the death of A, provided 
he dies before B, according to the Northampton Table, at 3 per Cent. 
Ageof | ’ Ageof | ) 
Annual Single | Annual Annual Single Annual 
— ~—' Premium Premium = Premium Ta Premium Premium Premium 
a5] per Cent. for £1. for £1. la. B.l per Cent. for £1. for £1. 
rare | mein —— mn ——cr——— —— sn | | s— —— J — 
eC. 5s. d, £8 d 
56[11] 5 3 9 .56094 .05187 }59{14| 5 15 8 .58152 .05784 
16] 5 2 10 54489 .05143 19] 514 10 .56509 .05742 
21 5 2 1, .53046] .05103 24] "5 14 1. 1.55464 .05703 
19618 5 1 3.519720 .05061 29] 513 1 .54317 .03655 
31 5 0 2 .50645 ,05007 34] 5 11 10 .52876 .05593 
36! 418 9 .48976 .04939 39] 510 4 .51026 .05515 
41' 417 1 .46860 ,04853 44] 5 8 4 48770 .05417 
"460 4 14 11  .44350 04747 49] 5 5 10 .45958  .05292 
5104 12 3.41237 08 , 04612 54] 5 2 8 .42634 .05134 
56] 4 8 11 .37665 .04447 59] 418 8 .38605 .04934 
61 4 5 1 .33462 .04252 64 4 13 11  .33808 .04695 
66 4 0 8 .28645 .04035 69] 4 8 7 .28260 .04429 
71 316 3 .23417  ,03811 | {74 4 3 2 .22523 .04157 
76 311 9 18411 .03589 | 79003 17 90 1725738 .03886 
(STIRS  71EEN. 135958 . 03335 84] 312 3 .12443 .03611 
7 5 7 6 .56807 .05376 {60 10 6 1 2 .60306 .06059 
17 5 6 7 455110 |.05330 15, 6 0 3 .58849 .06011 
122 5 510 .53834 .05291 20f 519 5 57287 .05969 
[270055 4 110.527 3600E . 05247 23] 518 7 .56308 .05930 
3208 5 3 10M.513710 .05190 330i 5 17 708 .5513608 .05879 
370.3 2 508.4964608 ,05119 35{ 516 3 .53651 .05814 
42" 5 0 7 .47474 .05029 40| 5 14 8 .51734 .05732 
147] 418 4.44879 .04917 45) 5 12 7 .49436 .05630 
521 415 6.41693 .04775 50, 5 10 1.46567 .05504 
57] 412 0 .37976 .04600 55 5 6 7 «43120 05331 
62! 4 7 10 33596 .04391 60 5 2 4! .38923 .05117 
671 4 3 2.28537 .04159 |65 417 2! .33877 .04860 
72 3 18 5  .23126 .03920 70, 4 11 6 .28091 .04576 
i 313 8 .18090 .03685 4 4 5 8 .22236 .04285 
182) 3 8 8 .13119 .03434 80] 319 10 16751 .03991 
58{13) 5 11 6 .57472 05573 f61(11 6 6 1 61107 .06302 
I8f 510 7 .55782 .05529 16 6 5 1 59532 .06253 
231 5 9 10 .54639 .05491 21/6E AES .28132 .06213 
'28' 5 8 11 .53518 .05444 i A 6 = 4; .57169 .06172 
33 5 7 8 .521156 ,05385 3116. ov .55971 06119 
38, 5 6 2 50330 .05310 36) 6 1 0 | 54443 .06051 
43 5 4 4 48115 05217 411 5 19 4 | .52469 .05965 
48 5 2 0 .45413 05099 | |46] 517 2] 150116 .03857 
153] 419 0 .42159 .04949 © [51] 5 14 5 .47132 .05720 
58] 415 3 .38290 04762 156] 5 10 10 43614 .05541 
63] 410 9 .33707 .04538; 161' 5 6 3 .39243 .05313 
168" 4 5 10 .28409 .04291 166! 5 0 a .339290 | 05036 
73 4 0 8 .22825 .04035 71 4 0 7 27903 04731 
78 315 8 17723 ,03785 | 76. a, «21986  .04420 
83] 310 4 12689 .03517 181 01 .16249 .04099

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