Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Survivorship Assurances. 
Showing the Premium required to secure a Sum payable on the death of A, provided 
Ire dies before B, according to the Northampton Table, at 3 per Cent. 
Age of o jf 
a 5 Annual Single Annual pa Annual Single Annual 
on : Premium Premium Premium } — — Preminm Premium Premium 
is A per Cent. for £1. for £1. Jas. per Cent. for £1. for £1. 
Le 3 dl E. 5. dd, 
i 62/12 6 11 3 .61889 .06561 [65/10 7 108 .65695 .07535 
oo 17, 610 3 .60241 .06511 157 9 7 .64308 .07480 
i 22016 9 50 1.59028  .06472 200 7 8 :8 .62784 .07435 
5 27) 6 8 7 .58050 .06430 25, 7 8 0 .61920 .07398 
wi 32| 6 7 6 .56825 .06375] [30] 7 7 0. 160809 .07330 
de 37° 6 6 1 .55249 .06303 2 7 5 9 .59587 .07286 
gr" 42° 6 4 3.53231 .06214 40/ 7 4 1 .57855 .07205 
ih 47 6 2.0 .50806 .06101 45 7 2 1.55766 07103 
- 5 519 1.47770 .05956 50" 619 6.53073 .,06973 
: 57 515 4 .44118 .05766 § 155 616 1 .49904 06804 
5° 510 5.39563 .05520 f 160 6 11 6 .45822 .06574 
i 6: 5 4 FB .33964  .05223 1 [60 6 5.5 40576 .06270 
es 172 4 .27697  .04894 70005 18 [0.341271 1.05901 
1 77. 21708 .04561 7] 510 0 .27259 .05498 
LED Zl 4 4 . .15743 .04210 } 80) 5 1 5 .20600 .05070 
- 63/13] 6 16 10 .62690 .06843 {66/11 7 18 0 .66634 07898 
ital 18 6 15 11 .61023 .06794 16) 716 10 .65122 07842 
ik 23 615 2.59985 .06759 | 21' 716 0 .63777 07800 
hie 28 614 3.58971 .06712 ( 26 715 3 .62943 07761 
a 33 613 1 .57718 .06654 31 714 3 .61906 .07711 
il 3 611 7.56094 .06580 36 71211 .60564 .07645 
® 13° 6 9 9 54048 .06486 41 711 2 .58791 .07560 
i 4° 6 7 4 ,51534 .06368 | [46 7 9 1 .56666 .07454 
#0 5:06 41 4.48452 1.06215 S517 6 498.539310.07318 
* a< 6 0 3 .44661 06013 56 7 2 9 .50680 .07139 
be 5 515 0 .39895 .05750 61 617 11 .46447 06894 
it 6: 5 8' 70 34017] .05430 66 6 11 4 .40926 06568 
pe 7505 1 “7.275210. 05078 71 6 3 6 .34196 06173 
pr 8 414 4 .21411 .04718 76) 5 14 10 .27236 .05742 
i 83] 4 610 .15327 .04341 81] 5 5 6 .20220 :05275 
64/14 7 2 11° .63490 ,07147 [67/12 8 5 10 .67552 .08290 
30 19 7 2 0 .61866 .07100 17. 8 4 8 .65964 :08233 
1353 24 7 1 3 .60920 .07062 22| 8 311 .64827 .08194 
6213 20 7 0. 4 .59913 .07016 27 8 3 1, .63988 .08154 
17 34 619 1 .5831 .06955 32| '8 2 1. .62937 .08102 
Hi 39! 617 7 .56953 .06877 \ [37] 8 0 8 | .61561 .08033 
05 44 615 7 54884 .06780 } 42] 7 18 11 | .59762 .07945 
10h 49 613 1 .52274 06655 47° 714 8 .57588 .07734 
oe 54 6 9 11 ,49153 ,06495 52: 7 13 10 .54833 .07693 
Bt 50 6 5 7.45217 .06279  |57, 710 1 .51481 .07504 
¢ 6 519 11  .40229 .05996 162 7 410 .47095 .07242 
v © 513 1.34058 .035652% 67] 6 17 10 .41277 .06891 
7 5 5 6 .27353 .05274 | 172! 6 9 4 .34271 .06468 
74 417 3.21006 .04882 1 771 6 0 2.27208 06007 
84 4.9 9 .15133 .04489 ' (82' 5.10 0 ,19861 .(550] 

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