Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Survivorship Assurances. 
Showing the Premium required to secure a Sum payable on the death of A, provided . 
he dies before B . according to the Northampton Table, at 3 per Cent. 7 
Age of ’ Age of| 
Annual Single Annual Annual Single Annual 
Premium Premium ~~ Premium —7 Premium Premium Premium 
AL per Cent. for £1. for £1. |a.|B. per Cent. for £1. for £1. 
a = a  ——_—— 
i. sd L. s.. d 
£8 17 8 14 3.68471 0871447111 10 5 7.72541 .10280 
18 813 2 .66861 .08659 16) 10 4 4 71163 10218 
|23 8 12 5 .65897 .08622 21{ 10 3 6/ .69894 .10173 
28 8 11 7) .65056 1.08581 26410 2 90.6920 .10137 
133, 8 10 6.63988 .08526 311 10 1 10 .68346/ .10091 
38 8, 9 1' .62577 .08454 36110 0 7 .67233 | .10030 
143 8 7 3.60771 08363 418 .9 19 O.657158N .09949 
‘48 8 4 11, .58526/ .08247 46 9 17 0.63836  .09848 
53 8 2 0.55761  .08100 51 9 14, 4 .61498 ' .09718 
58 7 18 0 52306 .07900 560 9 11 ,0 1.58686 1 .09550 
HGSEN7 12 SE .477360.07620 61 9 6 3 .54918 .09311 
168 7 410 .41630 .07243 [66 8 19 4 .49668 .08965 
7306 15 10008.3-13590. 06791 71 810 1.42690 .08504 
7s 6 511 27132 .06295 76. 7 19,.2 .349100 .07959 
S315 15 18E.217080.05754 811 7 _6_5 .26494 .07322 
69/14! 9 3 6 .69383 .09175 f72[12! 10 17 5 .73517 .10870 
1999 2 58N.678169ER.09122 1710 16 15 .72052 .10806 
24 9 1 9 .66985 .09086 22 10 15 4 1.71008 .10766 
29 9 010 .66137 .09043 27910 14, 79.70319 .10729 
34 819 9.65056 .08987 32) 10 13; 8 ' .69461 .10682 
139° 818 3 .63608 .08912 37] 10 12. 4 | .68328 .10618 
44 816 4 .61800 .08818 421 10 10 8 | .66802  .10534 
149° 8 13 11 .59478  .08697 47810 8 771] .64952f .10428 
54 8 10 11 .56714 .08544 520 10 56 11; .62565 10295 
1590 8 6 7 «53156, .08331 578810 2 S5EE.596928.10119 
i64 8 0 7, .48392 .08031 62 +917 3 .55821 .09864 
{69 7 12 7.41984 .07628 67 9 910 .50297 .09493 
74 7 211 .34476 .07145 729 0 0 .43037 .09000 
& 6 12 2 .26940, .06607 77 8 8 5 .35161 .08420 
84 6 0 11 .21411° .06047 [82° 7 14 8 .26301 .07733 
70l100 9 14 8 .71527] .09735 |73 12) 11 10 1.74469 11504 
150 913 6 .70284 .09675 181.11 8 10} .72975 .11442 
200 912 6 .68822 .09626 23f11 8 1.721170 .11405 
[256 9 11 10 .68087 09591 °F 1281 11 7 4 .71433 .11367 
30 910 11 .67236 .09546 33 11 6 4WE.705718.11318 
35 9 9 9/ .66139 1.09487 38] 11 5 011 .69416 .11251 
|40 9 8 2.64650 .09409 [43/11 3 4; .67901 .11165 
45 9 6 3 .62843 .09311 | 48: 11 1 1. .65998 .11055 
50 9 3 9! .60461 .09186  [53! 10 18 41 .63634 10917 
23 9 0 6 57691 .09026 28] 10 14 8 1 .60701  .10732 
60 816 0 .54027' .08800 631.10 9 20 .56692[  .10459 
65 8 9 7 49029 .08478 68 10 1 3 .50%06 .10062 
70! 8 0 11 .42338 .08047 738.9 10 93 .433768 .09536 
75! 7 10 8 .34739. .07533 78°08 18 .300.35329 .08913 
80] 6 18 11' .26702 .06947'| [83 8 3 8 .26188 .08185 

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