Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Showing the Value of £100 Policy on a Single Life, at the end of any Number 
of Years (not exceeding 48) from the date of the Insurance, according to the 
Northampton Table, at 3 per Cent, 
4, provide _ 
Cent. ! 
A 'h 
eo £1 Year. 2 Years. 3 Years. 4 Years. 5 Years. ! 6 Years. 
14 1.0305 2.0934 3.1353 4.1187 5.0400 5.9134 
fama) 15 | 1.0739 2.1267 3.1204 4,0513 4.9337 5.7454 
‘enim 16 1.0642 2.0637 3.0094 3.9017 4.7222 5.5034 
Li 17 | 1.0153 1.9664 2.8680 3.6973 4.4870 5.2911 
18 .9609 1.8718 2.7096 3.5073 4,3196 5.1470 
as 19 .9197 1.7657 2.5711 3.3913 4.2267 5.0777 
3) 20 .8538 1.6667 2.4946 3.3377 4.1966 5.0717 
Ci 21 .8200 1.6549 2.5053 3.3716 | 4.2542 5.1533 
3 22 .8418 1.6993 2.5727 3.4625 4.3692 5.2923 
Re 23 8647 1.7455 2.64:9 3.5573 4.4891 5.4389 
Ey 24 .8885 1.7937 2.7161 3.6560 4.6141 5.5909 
0 25,  .9133 1.8440 2.7923 3.7590 4.7445 5.7494 
oy 26 | .9392 | 1.8963 2.8719 3.8665 4.8806 5.9148 
Wo 27 9662 1.9511 2.9551 3.9788 5.0228 6.0877 
wou 28 .9945 2.0083 3.0420 4.0962 5.1715 6.2686 
gar 29 1.0240 2.0681 3.1329 4.2190 5.3271 6.4579 
$983 30 1.0549 2.1307 3.2280 4.3476 5.4901 6.6562 
i 31 . 1.0873 2.1963 © 3.3278 4.4825 = 5.6610 6.8642 
7% 32 1.1212 2.2652 3.4325 4.6240 5.8404 7.0826 
30 33 1.1569 2.3375 3.5425 4.7727 6.0290 7.3122 
a 34 , 1.1944 2.4135 3.6581 4.9291 6.2273 7.5537 
"w 35 1.2339 2.4935 3.7798 5.0937 6.4362 7.7823 
Re 36 | 1.2754 2.5778 3.9081 5.2673 6.6303 7.9957 
" 37 1.3192 2.6667 4.0435 5.4240 6.8071 8.1912 
38 1.3655 2.7607 4,1597 5.5613 6.9640 8.3938 
13 39 1.4145 2.8329 4.2538 5.6760 7.1256 8.6034 
15% 40 1.4387 2.8801 4.3226 5.7930 7.2920 8.8206 
8 41 1.4624 2.9260 4.4178 5.9388 7.4896 9.0712 
109% 42 1.4853 2.9993 4,5428 6.1166 ° 7.7217 9.3590 
(019 43 1.5358 3.1036 4,7011 6.3304 7.9924 9.6880 
om 44 1.5912 3.2137 4.8684 6.5563 8.2784 10.0042 
45 | 1.6487 3.3302 5.0454 = 6.7953 8.5490 10.2722 
a 46 | 1.7096 3.4536 5.2328 7.0160 ~~ 8.7680 10.5160 
ee. 47 1.7743 3.5844 5.3986 7.1811 8.9595 10,7642 
is 48 1.8429 3.6898 5.5046 7.3150 9.1524 11,0166 
11504 49 1.£816 3.7305 5.5749 7.4467 9.3460 11.2723 
442 of 1.8843 ' 3.7641 , 5.6718 . 7.6074 9.5707 11.5615 
1405 51 | 1.9159 3.8603 5.8331 7.8341 9.8631 11.9195 
137 52 1.9824 3.9937 6.0338 8.1024 10.1990 12.3230 
1318 53 2.0520 4.1334 6.2438 8.3828 10.5497 12.7439 
11351 54 2.1250 | 4.2796 6.4634 | 8.6758 | 10.9158 13.1825 
1163 55 2.2014 4.4326 6.6930 8.9817 | 11.2976 13.6391 
11035 56 2.2815 4.5927 6.9330 9.3009 11.6951 14.1136 
109? 57 2.3653 4.7601 7.1833 9.6335 12.1084 14.6533 
or 58 2.4529 4,9348 7.4443 9.9792 12.5857 15.2186 
5 59 2.5444 5.1169 7.7155 10.3876 13.0867 15.8615 
60 2.6397 5.3062 8.0480 10.8176 13.6647 16.5406 
61 2.7387 5.5549 8.3996 11.3240 14.2778 17.2573 
62 2.8955 5.8203 8.8270 11.8640 14.9273 18.0118 

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