Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Showing the Value of £100 Policy on a Single Life, at the end of any Number of 
Years (not exceeding 48) from the date of the Insurance, according to the 
Northampton Table, at 3 per Cent. 
Age wien! 31 Years. 32 Years. 33 Years. 34 Years. ' 35 Years. 36 Years. 
14 29.6116 30.7721 31.9557 33.1630 34.3497 35,6292 
15 30.0513 31.2472 | 32.4670 33.7116 34.9589 36.1844 
16 30.5008 31.7339 32.9920 34.2528 35.4916 36.7276 
17 30.9996 32.2712 33.6456 34.7977 I 36.0470 37.3147 
18 31.5765 32.8640 34.1290. 35.3910 36.6718 37.9713 
19 32.2126 33.4899 34.7642 36.0574 37.3695 38.7004 
20 32.8725 34.1586 35.4639 36.7882 38.1314 39,4934 
91 33.5017 34.9081 36.2438 37.5986 | 38.9723 40.3646 
22 | 34.3700 35.7167 37.0827 38.4678 39.8716 41.2938 
23 35.1709 36.5485 37.9454 39.3611 40.7954 42.2476 
94 | 35.9951 37.4041 38.8322 40.2790 | 41.7438 43.2261 
25 36.8429 38.2838 39.7436 41.2216 ' 42.7171 44.2292 
26 37.7150 39.1882 40.6798 42.1891 43.7152 45.2567 
27 38.6116 40.1174 41.6410 43.1815 44,7377 46.3377 
28 39.5332 41.0717 42.6272 44.1985 45.8142 47.4463 
29 40.4798 42.0509 43.6380 45.2699 46.9184 48.6131 
30 41.4514 43.0549 44.7037 46.3692 48.0813 49.8109 
31 42,4478 44.1142 45.7975 47.5279 49,2758 ' 51.0388 
32 43.4999 45.2016 46.9511 48.7182 | 50.5006 52.2953 
33 44.5803 46.3496 48.1366 49.9393 | 51.7544 53.5780 
34 | 45.7216 47.5297 49.3533 51.1897 = 53.0347 54.8831 
35 | 46.8954 48.7411 50.5996 52.4669 54.3377 56.2051 
36 48.1008 49.9825 51.8731 53.7673 55.6580 57.5359 
37 49.3363 51.2514 53.1700 55.0852 56.9874 58.8637 
38 50.5997 52.5440 54.4847 56.4123 58.3138 60.1711 
39 | 51.8870 53.8546 55.8089 57.7367 | 59.6197 61.4327 
40 «( 53.1925 55.1748 57.1303 59.0404 60.8793 62.6099 
41 54.5204 56.5045 58.4425 60.3083 | 62.0641 63.8153 
42 55.8590 57.8257 59.7192 61.5011 «© 63.2781 65.0937 
43 57.1898 59.1119 60.9207 62.7246 64.5673 66.5151 
44 58.4737 60.3107 62.1428 64.0144 65.9925 67.9729 
45 | 59.6690 61.5307 63.4325 65.4426 67.4550 69.3756 
46 | 60.8858 62.8195 64.8633 66.9094 68.8622 70.7307 
47 62.1728 64.2521 66.3339 68.3206 70.2216 71.9612 
48 63.6064 65.7258 67.7483 69.6837 71.4548 72.8063 
49 65.0822 67.1428 69.1145 70.9188 72.2957 73.5634 
50 66.5127 68.5222 70.3612 71.7644 73.0564 74.2347 
51 67.9177 69.7919 71.2222 72.5390 73.7399 74.8736 
52 69.2019 70.6600 72.0026 73.2269 74.3828 75.3661 
53 70.0666 71.4364 72.6854 73.8647 74.8679 76.2257 
54 | 70.8380 72.1132 73.3171 74.3414 75.7276 77.4868 
55 71.5078 72.7378 73.7843 + 75.2007 76.9980 79.4154 
56 72.1242 ' 73.1942 74.6424 76.4802 78.9520 81.5674 
57 72.5684 74.0504 75.9311 78.4506 81.1371 !' 84.1626 
58 73.4218 75.3480 77.9388 80.6801 83.7789 86.4492 
59 74.7282 77.3841 80.1943 83.3710 86.1085 88.7626 
60 76.7936 79.6772 82.9368 85.7458 88.4692 90.7213 
61 79.1262 85.4742 85.3593 88.1566 90.4697 
62 81,9807 84.9470 87.8231 90.2014 

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