Showing the Value of £100 Policy on a Single Life, at the end of any Number of
Years (not exceeding 48) from the date of the Insurance, according to the
Northampton Table, at 3 per Cent.
Age wl
Age vien| 43 Years. 44 Years. 45 Years. ! 46 Years. 47 Years. 48 Years. bas
14 44.3702 45.6860 47.0182 48.3663 49.7293 51.1061 bus
15 45,1204 46.4666 47 8287 49,2058 50.5970 52.0274 Sd
16 | 45.8854 47 .2623 48.6544 50.0606 51.5066 | 52.9672 :
17 46.6950 48.1020 49.5234 50.9850 52.4613 | 53.9790 -
18 47.5698 49.0057 50,4822 51.9737 53.5070 55.0557 on
19 1 48.5110 50.0018 51.5078 53.0559 51.6196 56.1969 bas
20 1 49.5377 | 51.0576 52.6202 54.1984 55.7903 | 57.3932 fas:
21 50.6362 52,2122 53.8040 55.4096 57.0263 58.6507 mo
995] .8171 53.4221 55.0409 56.6711 58.3089 59.9497 T
23 53.0266 54.6592 56.3032 57.9549 59.6097 61.2615 113
24 51.2638 55.9220 57.5882 59.2574 60.9236 62.5785 13.13
25055 . 5269 57.2079 58.8922 60.5733 . 62.2430 63.8901 14.1
26 56.8135 58.5133 60.2099 61.8950 63.5573 65.1810 B..13
27 58.1199 59.8326 61.5337 63.2118 64.8509 66.4290 hap
28 + 59,4408 61.1585 62.8529 64.5080 66.1015 67.6011 TE
29 60.7683 62.4797 64.1515 65.7610 67.2756 68.7861 18.08
30 62.0915 63.7806 65.4067 66.9371 68.4632 70.0223 18..0
31 63.3944 65.0379 66.5846 68.1270 69.7029 71.3682 W a
32 64.6536 66.2173 67.7767 69.3697 71.0534 72.7391 ip
33 65.8342 67.4113 69.0224 70.7252 72.4300 74.0570 9
34 67.0298 68.6598 70.3825 72.1073 73.7533 75.3283 8.4
35 68.2809 70.0245 71.7701 73.4360 75.0301 76.4888 Hy
36 69.6500 71.4176 73.1042 74.7181 76.1951 77.3222 2 at
37 , 71.0482 72.7567 74.3915 75.8876 77.0292 78.0803 on
33 72.3925 74.0492 75.5652 76.7221 77.7873 78.7586 oo
39 73.6899 75.2269 76.3993 77.4798 ' 78.4646 79.3943 ®,.3
40 74.3715 76.0612 77.1566 78.1556 | 79.0986 79.9010 8.4
41 75.7118 76.8232 77.8367 78.7935 ' 79.6076 80.7093 % ‘a
42 76.4792 77.5078 78.4788 79.3049 80.4230 81.8419 Hand
43 ' 77.1687 78.1543 78.9929 80.1278 81.5681 83.5052 ok
44 | 77.8134 78.6650 79.8177 81.2804 83.2477 85.3293 8.3
45 78.3201 79.4913 80.9777 82.9769 85.0921 87.4832 34...
46 79.1475 . 80.6588 82.6915 84.8422 87.2734 89.3685 es
47 80.3224 82.3904 84.5785 87.0520 89.1835 91.2501 ay
48 82.0723 84.3000 86.8182 88.9882 91.0921 92.8319 My
49 | 84.0052 86.5707 88.7814 90.9248 92.6973 X..%
50 86.3131 88.5662 90.7508 92.5573 2.3
51 ' 88.3467 90.5732 92.4144
52 90.3891 92,2662 ok
53 92.1098 Baal
post — — 8.4