Carlisle Rate of Mortality for Two Joint Lives.
Difference of Age Nineteen Years.
om oo Curtate
sectation Number of Living. Sum of Living at ~~ Expectation
in Aves, Lod i Decrement. Higher Ages. Now
+My 2 m. “m als id
hn, ” Dp, mj In. lm fr tey obi No, my 1, my
5% 0&19 61330000 9802510 1483951739 24.20
i355 1..20 51527490 4487877 1432424249 27.80
Al3 2.421 47039613 3359243 1385384636 29.45
re 3..22 43680370 1951296 1341704266 30.72
3] 4.2.23 41729074 1484037 1299975192 31.15
9 5 ed 40245037 996833 1259730155 31.30
P 6..25 39248204 765620 1220481951 31.10
iy 7..26 38482584 619536 1181999367 30.72
& 8..27 37863048 541284 1144136319 30.22
ie 9,.28 37321764 512684 1106814555 29.66
5 10..29 36809080 525378 1070005475 29.07
= 11..30 36283702 539702 1033721773 28.49
12..31 35744000 541696 997977773 27.92
13..32 35202304 537184 962775469 27.35
i 14..33 34665120 538020 928110349 26.77
~ 15..34 34127100 555618 893983249 26.20
i 16..35 33571482 567249 860411767 25.63
17..36 33004233 574057 827407534 25.07
18..37 32430176 577374 794977358 24.51
19..38 31854802 574562 763122556 23.96
20..39 31278240 589715 731844316 23.40
i 21..40 30688525 609430 701155791 22.85
22..41 30079045 621825 671076746 22.31
23..42 29457220 627871 641619526 21.78
e 24..43 28829349 621907 612790177 21.26
25..44 28207442 620670 584582735 20.72
Li 26..45 27586772 608771 556995963 20.19
idl 27..46 26978001 606177 530017962 19.65
4 28..47 26371824 611166 503646138 19.10
(0 29..48 25760658 608622 477885480 18.55
30..49 25152036 594791 452733444 18.00
LO 31..50 24557245 576781 428176199 17.44
1.06 32..51 23980464 582192 404195735 16.86
8 33..52 23398272 587285 380797463 16.28
1.00 34..53 22810987 596221 357986476 15.69
35.+54 22214766 599355 335771710 15.11
1.0 35...55 21615411 611411 314156299 14.53
37..56 21004000 622744 293152299 13.96
38..57 20381256 648744 272771043 13.38
39..58 19732512 706337 253038531 12.82
40..59 19026175 778388 234012356 12.30
41..60 18247787 854047 215764569 11.82
42..6] 17393740 863485 198370829 11.40
43..62 16530255 850391 181840574 11.00