Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Carlisle Rate of Mortality for Two Joint Lives. 
Difference of Age Twenty-Six Years 
Number of Living. Sum of Living Baron, 
Ages. Lo Decrement. at Higher Ages. Now, ma 
m . 1 ro rts. 
Dy, my Im dm Imi . [a Non, my Di, my 
44 & 70 11519998 756619 89653540 7.78 
45, .: 71 10763379 783428 78890161 7-33 
46.. 72 9979951 817715 68910210 6.91 
47..°73 9162236 839075 59747974 6.52 
48.. 74 8323161 856011 51424813 6.18 
49.. 75 7467150 805695 43957663 5.89 
50.. 76 6661455 766113 37296208 5.60 
51..:77 5895342 708554 31400866 5.33 
52..°78 5186788 634697 26214078 5.056 
53..179 4552091 603812 21661987 4,76 
54,. 80 . 3948279 539178 17713708 4.49 
55.. 81 3409101 509101 14304607 4.20 
56.. 82 2900000 455348 11404607 3.93 
57...83 2444652 412234 8959955 3.67 
58.. 84 2032418 364113 6927537 3.41 Ha 
59.. 85 1668305 331324 5259232 3.15 
60.. 86 1336981 294765 3922251 2.93 
61..:87 1042216 254576 2880035 3.76 
62.. 88 787640 196132 2092395 2.66 
63.. 89 591508 145202 1500887 2.54 
64.. 90 446306 129416 1054581 2.36 
65.. 91 316890 99840 737691 2.33 
66.. 92 217050 67416 520641 2.40 
67:93 149634 43714 371007 2.48 
68.. 94 105920 30170 265087 2.50 
69.. 95 75750 20527 189337 2.50 
70..:96 55223 14237 134114 2.43 
71... 97 40986 10984 93128 2.27 
72.. 98 30002 8035 63126 2.10 
73. 99 21967 5398 41159 1.87 
74..100 16569 4844 24590 1.48 
75..101 11725 4150 12865 1.10 
76..102 7575 3498 5290 70 
77..103 4077 2864 1213 .30 
78..104 1213 1213 

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