Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Carlisle Rate of Mortality for Two Joint Lives 
Difference of Age Twenty-Eight Years. 
i Curtat 
Number of Living. Sum of Living Bxp G: 
Ages. ble Decrement, at Higher Ages. Nun, m, 
Dy. my In. fone —ln1.0m4 Non, my BD, my 
4& 72 10282114 842295 © 71270939 6.93 
45,.°73 9439819 866282 61831120 6.55 
46..." 74 8573537 888637 53257583 6.21 
47.. 75 7684900 835585 45572683 5.93 
48.. 76 6849315 790893 38723368 5.65 
49. 77 6058422 724861 32664946 5.39 0 
50.. 78 5333561 644183 27331385 5.12 1.4 
51...79 4689378 614350 22642007 4,83 1.4 
52.. 80 4075028 550421 18566979 4.56 13.. 4 
53.. 81 3524607 520932 15042372 4.27 i. ! 
54.. 82 3003675 : 466196 12038697 4.01 B..s 
55.. 83 2537479 421479 9501218 3.75 16.. 4 
56.. 84 2116000 369820 7385218 3.49 17. 4 
57..485 1746180 336166 5639038 3.23 Bed 
58.. 86 1410014 300310 4229024 3.00 0.4 
59.. 87 1109704 264528 3119320 2.81 3s 
60.. 88 845176 207875 2274144 2.69 0 
6l.. 89 637301 155211 1636843 2.57 8 
62.. 90 482090 138950 1154753 2.57 = 
63.. 91 343140 107415 811613 2.40 oy 
64.. 92 235725 72753 575888 2.37 
65.. 93 162972 47212 412916 2.44 
66.. 94 115760 32630 297156 2.53 
67.. 95 83130 22226 214026 2:57 
68.. 96 60904 15454 153122 2.51 
69.. 97 45450 11836 107672 2.37 
70.. 98 33614 8567 74058 2.20 
71..°99 25047 5760 49011 1.95 
72..100 19287 5308 29724 1.54 
73..101 13979 4774 15745 1.12 2 
74..102 9205 4180 6540 o71 i 
75..103 5025 3510 1515 «30 i 
76..104 1515 1515 
Difference of Age Twenty-Nine Years, 
Number of Living. Sum of Living Expectation. 
Ages. Ly Decrement. at Higher Ages. No, my 
m my S———— 
B,,. mi bn. br ltr dn Nos; my Dip, my 
0& 29 56980000 9243038 1188587940 20.86 
1:.230 47736962 4291247 1140850978 23.88 
Des 31 43445715 3235043 1097405263 25.26 
3.232 40210672 1917616 1057194591 26.29 
4.."33 38293056 1478707 1018901535 26.61 

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