Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Carlisle Rate of Mortality for Two Joint Lives. 
Difference of Age Thirty-Nine Years—continued. 
Cartage RE 
“Epeetatiyy, C t 
No Number of Living. Sum of Living Baits 
Ri Ages. yr In Decrement. at Higher Ages. Nis, wil 
Di, ny In. bn, lpr. bn No, my Dp, mi 
Lls —_ = —— — 
3.90 11 & 50 28277107 513907 530769181 18.77 
3.66 12..:51 27763200 533632 503005981 18.12 
34 13.. 52 27229568 552883 475776413 17.47 
3.02 14,.:53 26676685 ‘ 575785 449099728 i 16.83 
15. 54 26100900 599847 422998828 16.21 
9 16... 53 25501053 625053 397497775 15.58 
LR 17..:50 24876000 641376 372621775 14.98 
Lf 18.. 57 24234624 671638 348387151 1 14.38 
La 19.. 58 23562986 731576 324824165 13.79 
20. . 39 22831410 802189 301992755 13.23 
re 21.. 60 22029221 £85616 279963534 12.71 
99. 61 21143605 899220 258819929 12.24 
93. 62 20244385 894557 238575544 11.79 
fa 24.. 63 19349828 872131 219225716 11.33 
o 25.. 64 18477697 864649 200748019 10.86 
pa 26.. 65 17613048 848106 183134971 10.40 
27.. 66 16764942 837234 166370029 9.92 
28... 67 15927708 839404 150442321 9.45 
i 29., 68 15088304 842254 135354017 8.97 
- 30.. 69 14246050 836465 121107967 8.50 
3l.. 70 13409585 822329 107698382 8.03 
32.4 71 12587256 860760 95111126 7:56 
33ee 12 11726496 908747 83384630 7.1% 
34... 73 10817749 946307 72566881 6.71 
35a: 74 9871442 982217 62695439 6.35 
38.0 7D 8889225 933960 53806214 6.05 
37 «v0: 76 7955265 896619 45850949 5.76 
38. 77 7058646 828678 38792303 5.50 
Gia 39.. 78 6229968 743393 32562335 5.23 
xpectations 40,. 79 5486075 712498 27076260 4.94 
Pom 41.. 80 4773577 638797 22302683 4.67 
tL 42... Bl 4134780 604755 18167903 4.39 
1 43.. 82 3530025 540871 14637878 4.15 
9.8) 44,. 83 2989154 488571 11648724 3.90 
py 45.. 84 2500583 428218 9148141 3.66 
ha 46.. 85 2072365 388569 7075776 3.41 
a 47.. 86 1683796 345580 5391980 3.20 
_— 48.. 87 1338216 303960 4053764 3.03 
yp 49., 88 1034256 238399 3019508 2.92 
Id 50.. 89 795857 179861 2223651 2.79 
51.. 90 615996 167016 1607655 2.61 
’ 52. 91 448980 133155 1158675 2.58 
53. 92 315825 92103 842850 2.67 
94. 93 223722 60802 619128 Dell 
55... 59:4 162920 42920 456208 2.80 

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