Carlisle Rate of Mortality for Two Joint Lives.
Difference of Age Forty-One Years— continued.
fn ’ ne Cuartat
fe +5 Number of Living. Sum of Living Expectation,
\ is ges. Zaidi Decrement. at Higher Ages. Nom, m
Ty Din, mt Im. Imy RW AER Nom, my Dp, my
itn 44 & 85 2135110 400301 7292580 3.42
16.70 15.. 86 1734809 356337 5558071 3.20
$01 46.. 87 1378472 314056 4179599 3.03
9.8 47.. 88 | 1064416 246115 3115183 2.93
i 48.. 89 518301 185265 2296382 2.81
a 49,. 90 | 633036 171351 1663846 2.63
WT 50...91 461685 136335 1202161 2.60
oh 3l..:92 325350 94446 876811 2.70
hal 57. .:93 230904 62464 645907 2.80
14 53.. 94 168440 44150 477467 2.83
54..:95 124290 30611 333177 2.84
i833 85..:96 93679 21679 259493 2.77
17.58 HG. ..¢97 72000 17064 187498 2.60
5.9 B7+:98 54936 12674 132562 2.41
15.30 53..:99 42:62 8521 90300 2.14
59..100 33741 8240 56559 1.68
[3.04 60..101 25501 7896 31058 1.22
4.4 61..102 17605 7420 13453 .76
13.44 62..103 10185 6917 3268 «32
{3.28 63..104 3268 3268
12.3 .
4 Difference of Age Forty-Two Years.
13 hil Sp i
0.9 +a Curtat
: Number of Living. Sum of Living yd
Hot Ages. Decrement. at Higher Ages, N s
ln. my Nom omy
1.58 Din. my bn, by —Img Lm Non, my Do, m
Li A HR TF a Fe a eT op men SL its
ol 0 &42 49400000 8203391 807¢58424 16.35
3 1..43 . 41196609 3572967 766661815 18.61
il 2..44 37323642 2939444 729338173 19.54
- 3..45 34354198 1794512 694453975 20.21
ry 4,.46 32589686 1405050 662361289 20.32
ai 54.47 31184636 1002440 631179653 20.24
ide 6..48 30182196 786144 600997457 19.91
£08 7..49 29396052 657260 571601405 19.44
oo 8..50 28738792 572158 542862613 18.89
079 9..51 28166634 543674 514695979 18.27
» 2)
pr 10..52 27622960 542019 487073019 17.63
a 11..53 27080941 565741 459992078 16.99
hy 12,.54 26515200 578336 433476878 16.35
£5 13..535 25936864 596564 407540014 15.71
a” 14..56 25340000 618800 382200014 15.08
15..57 24721200 666438 357478814 14.46
16..58 24054762 739731 333424052 13.86