Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Carlisle Rate of Mortality for Two Joint Lives. 
Difference of Age Forty-Two Years—continued. 
Number of Living. Sum of Living at Hxpectation. 
Ages. Lila Decrement, Higher Ages. Nop, my 
Dm, my ni. bm 1 {my 1 Nop, mj Dy, my 
17 & 59 23315031 815863 310109021 13.30 
18.. 60 22499168 904875 287609353 12.78 
19.. 61 21594:93 918743 266015560 12.32 
20.. 62 20670650 913954 245340010 11.87 
2l.. 63 19761596 887881 225578414 11.41 
22.. 64 18873715 877381 206704699 10.95 
23..165 17996334 866960 188708365 10.49 
24.. 66 1713374 844665 171572991 10.01 
25 +. 207. 16250709 836981 155282282 9.53 
26.. 63 15453728 826403 139828554 9.05 
27.. 689 14627325 826377 125201229 8.96 
28.. 70 13500948 826602 111400281 8.07 
29. . 171 12974346 883540 98425935 7.39 
39.. 72 12090806 937561 86335129 7.14 
31..:73 11153245 976197 75181884 6.74 
32..74 10177048 1011448 65004836 + 6.39 
33.. 75 9165600 958845 55839236 6.09 
34.. 76 8206755 919797 47632481 5.80 
35..77 7286958 849567 40345523 5.54 
36.. 78 6137321 761060 33908132 5.27 
87... 79 5676331 726449 28231801 4.97 
38.. 80 4949882 651050 23281919 4.70 
39.. 81 4298832 619457 18983087 4.42 
40.. 82 3679375 558768 15303712 4.16 
41.. 83 3120607 507347 12183105 3.90 
42.. &4 2613260 446555 9569845 3.66 
43.. 85 2166705 405839 7403140 3.42 
44.. 86 1760866 361674 5642274 © 3.20 
45.. 87 1399192 318768 4243082 3.03 
46.. 88 1080424 249996 3162658 2.93 
47.. 89 830428 188446 2332230 2.81 
48.. 90 641982 173892 1690248 2.63 
49.. 91 468090 138315 1222158 2.61 
50.. 92 329775 95523 892383 2.71 
51.. 93 234252 63212 658131 2.81 
52... 94 171040 44710 487091 2.85 
53.. 95 126330 31041 360761 2.86 
54... 96 95289 21975 265472 2.79 
55. «97 73314 17314 192158 2.62 
56... 98 56000 12836 136158 2.43 
57.+ 199 43164 8586 92994 2.15 
58..100 34578 8335 58416 1.69 
59..100 26243 8028 32173 1.23 
60..102 18215 7652 13958 «77 
61..103 10563 7168 3395 ai 
62..104 3395 3395

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