Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Carlisle Rate of Mortality for Two Joint Lives. 
Difference of Age Forty-Three Years. 
Seth. Cortote 
Sm Number of Living. Sum of Living at Expectation. 
Du Ages. bi Ba, Decrement. Higher Ages. Now, my 
13.30 Dp, my} In, Lay bn 1b 1 Nom, my Di, m1 
2.78 0 &43 48690000 8094122 779602498 16.01 
3 1..44 40595578 3824545 739006620 18.20 
1.87 2..45 36771333 2896315 702235287 19.10 
14 3..46 33875018 1768194 668360269 19.73 
' 4..47 32106824 1377587 636253445 19.82 
10.8 h 
14 5..48 30729237 967629 605524208 19.71 
Lo 6..49 29761608 767790 575762600 19.35 
3 7..50 28993818 640650 546768752 18.86 
1B 8..51 28353168 589100 518415614 18.28 
9..52 27764068 561008 490651546 17.67 
10..53 27203060 559427 463448486 17.04 
11..54 26643633 576433 436804853 16.39 
12..55 26067200 595200 410737653 15.76 
ih 13..56 25472000 613460 385265653 15.13 
14..57 24858540 653940 360407113 14.50 
» 15..58 24204600 732111 336202513 13.89 
16..59 23472489 816672 312730024 13.32 
) 17..60 22655817 910121 290074207 12.80 
in 18..61 21745696 924161 268328511 12.34 
19..62 20821535 919415 247506976 11.89 
a 20..63 19902120 896399 227604856 11.44 
21..64 19005721 8:2631 208599135 10.98 
; 22..65 18123090 866168 190476045 10.51 
1 23..66 17256922 849831 173219123 10.04 
24..67 16407091 839499 156812032 9,56 
| 25..68 15567592 831692 141244440 9.07 
26..69 14735900 826907 126508540 8.59 
27..70 13908993 820797 112599547 8.10 
98..71 13085196 877382 99511351 7.60 
i 29..72 12210814 943740 87300537 7.15 
30..73 11267074 935059 76033453 6.75 
31..74 10281985 1022555 65751478 6.39 
32..75 9259400 969320 56492078 6.10 
2 33..76 8290080 928377 48201998 5.81 
18 34.77 7361703 857597 40840295 5.55 
Li 35..78 6504106 767239 34336189 5.98 
Jt 36..79 5736867 732664 28599322 4,99 
37..80 5004203 656825 23595119 4.72 
be 38..81 4347378 623778 19247741 4.43 
La 39..82 3723600 561875 15524141 4.17 
40..83 3161725 511964 12362416 3.91 
41..84 2649761 451461 9712655 3.67 
42..85 2198300 411377 7514355 3.42 
43..86 1786923 366715 5727432 3.21 
- 1 €

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