Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

TABLE XL, 031 
Carlisle Rate of Mortality for Two Joint Lives, 
Difference of Age Forty-Five Years—continued. 
; Cura ber of Livi — Curtate 
Seclatin, Number of Living. Sum of Living Expectation, 
Nou ui Ld Decrement. at Higher Ages. N 
—— Ages. m , Cmy RH m, my 
b. - Dp, my } Im. lng — lL. fmt No, my P my 
3.31 44 & 89 868438 197204 2439504 2.81 
137 45.. 90 671234 182249 1768270 2.68 
518 46.. 91 488985 144685 1279285 2.62 
8.73 47.. 92 344100 99966 935185 2.72 
8.0 48.. 93 244134 65814 691051 2.83 
3.58 49.. U4 178320 46410 519731 2.88 
5.18 50.. 95 131910 32136 380821 2.89 
1.85 51..:96 99774 22806 281047 2.82 
1.8 52.. 97 76968 18014 204079 2.65 
6.48 53.. 98 58954 13381 145125 2.46 
3.84 54.. 99 45573 8916 99552 2.18 
id 55..100 36657 8657 62895 1.72 
LA 56..101 28000 8380 34895 1.25 
§ 37..102 19620 8094 15275 +78 
3.3 58..103 11526 7777 3749 33 
59.,104 3749 3749 
LB - 
11.47 Difference of Age Forty-Six Years. 
8 Curtate 
: Number of Living. Sum of Living Expectation. 
Ager, %.. bis Decrement. at Higher Ages. Non, my 
Dy. my "nm . fy — lms, ly 1 Na, my Dx my 
ud 0& 46 46570000 7750932 696360449 14.95 
dT. 38819068 3650209 657541381 16.94 
2.. 48 35168859 2741367 622372522 17.70 
3..49 32427492 1657286 589945030 18.19 
4.. 50 30770206 1284820 559174824 18.17 
be Des 31 29485386 938810 529689438 17.97 
6..552 28546576 779242 501142862 17.56 
7+ 53 27767334 688686 473375528 17.05 
B.. 34 27078648 632659 446296880 16.48 
9..:85 26445989 605989 419850891 15.88 
adi 10... 56 25840000 604756 394010891 15.23 
: 11..:57 25235244 646444 368775647 14.61 
! 12..:58 24588800 715168 344186847 14.00 
13..-59 23873632 795227 320313215 13.42 
14.., 60 23078405 896105 297234810 12.88 
he 15,.. 61 22182300 926205 275052510 12.40 
16.. 62 21256095 932403 253796415 11.94 
17..63 20323692 912524 233472723 11.49 
18.. 64 19411168 901774 214061555 11.03 
£9... 6) 18509394 834934 195552161 10.57 
} Oi

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