Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Carlisle Rate of Mortality for Two Joint Lives. 
Difference of Age Forty-Six Years—continued. 
Number of Living. Sum of Living ng 
Rios. Unita, Decrement. at Higher Ages. No, my 
Dm, my In . Iny - Imi matt No, my Dn, my 
20 & 66 17624460 868223 177927701 10.10 
21.. 67 16756:37 854997 161171464 9.62 
0%. 68 15901240 844665 145270224 9.14 
23.. 69 15056575 840254 130213649 8.65 
24.. 70 14216321 829438 115997328 8.16 
83... 71 13336483 879935 102610845 7.67 
25.. 72 12506548 9374927 90104297 2 7.21 
27...93 11568621 986553 78533676 ©6.79 
28.. 74 105682063 1037918 67953608 6.42 
29..775 9544150 996520 58109458 6.12 
30.. 76 8547630 957615 49861828 5.83 
81..77" 7590015 £84551 42271813 5.57 
32...78 6705464 790232 35366349 5.30 
33...79 5915232 752831 29651117 5.01 
34.. 80 5162401 674407 24458716 4.74 
35.. 81 4487994 646419 20000722 4.46 
36.. 82 3847575 576202 16153147 4.20 
37.. 83 3271373 523747 12681774 3.94 
338.. 84 2747626 462106 10134148 3.69 
39.. 85 2285520 422995 7848628 3.43 
40.. 86 1862525 379861 5986103 3.21 
4l.. 87 1482664 3365684 4503439 3.04 
42.. 88 1146030 264791 3357359 2.93 
43.. 89 8581289 199973 2476070 2.81 
44.. 90 681316 184981 1794754 2.63 
45... 91 . 496335 147060 1298419 2.62 
46.. 92 349275 101523 949144 2.72 
47.. 93 247752 66912 7013492 2.83 
48.. 94 180840 47100 520552 2.88 
49...93 133740 32609 366812 2.89 
50.. 96 101131 23047 285681 2.83 
51.. 97 75084 18220 207597 2.66 
52.. 98 59864 13543 147733 2.47 
53... 99 46321 9034 101412 2.19 
54..100 37257 8776 64125 1.72 
55..101 28511 8511 35614 1.25 
56..102 20000 8228 15614 .78 
57..103 11772 7930 3842 .33 
58..104 3842 3842

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