Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Carlisle Rate of Mortality for Two Joint Lives. 
Difference of Age Forty-Nine Years. 
Tor Curtat 
Number of Living. Sum of Living Lg 
Anda; il Decrement. at Higher Ages. Non, my 
Dan, my on Lom So ln. by 41 Nu, my Do, my 
0& 49 44580000 7376983 615413717 13.80 
1..750 37203017 3457715 578210700 15.54 
2. oi251] 33745302 2641678 544465398 16.14 
3..152 31103624 1655046 513361774 16.50 
4..483 29468578 1308607 483893196 16.42 
5...54 28159971 968623 455733225 16.18 
6..%55 27191348 815348 428541877 15.76 
7..56 26376000 728736 402165877 15.25 
B..157 25647264 701158 376518613 14.68 
9.58 24946106 727566 351572507 14.09 
10.. 59 24218540 790407 327354967 13.52 
11.. 60 23428133 893733 303925834 12.97 
12.761 22534400 915040 281391434 12.49 
13..:62 21619360 916580 259772074 12.02 
14.. 63 20702780 901880 239069294 11.55 
13..464 19800900 905202 219268394 11.07 
16.. 65 18895698 897912 200372696 10.60 
17.5686 17997786 884090 182374910 10.13 
18..467 17113696 873512 165261214 9.66 
19..68 16240184 862934 149021030 9.18 
20.. 69 156377250 &58402 133643780 8.69 
1.70 14518847 845462 119124933 8.20 
22..71 13673385 594676 105451548 7.71 
93.72 12778709 954472 92672839 7:25 
24...73 11824237 1000998 80:43602 6.84 
95,74 10823239 1047939 70025353 6.47 
26..75 9775300 958905 60250063 6.16 
27...76 8776395 964863 51473668 5.87 
28..77 7811532 899858 43662136 5.59 
29.78 6911674 812672 36750462 5.32 
30... 79 6099002 776497 30651460 5.03 
3%..%0 | 5322505 695569 253 £955 4.76 
32.8% 4626936 | 659736 20702019 4.47 
33. +582 3967200 592409 16734819 4.22 
34...83 3374791 538293 13361028 3.96 
35..84 2836498 474883 10523530 3.71 
35.., 85 2361615 434498 8161915 3.46 
37.. 85 1927117 389693 6234798 3.24 
38.. 87 1537424 345872 4697374 3.06 
39.. 88 1191552 272977 3505822 2.94 
40.. 89 918575 207297 2587247 2.82 
41.. 90 711278 192578 1875969 2.64 
42,. 91 518700 153525 1357269 2.62 
43... 92 365175 106083 992094 2.72 

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