Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Carlisle Rate of Mortality for Two Joint Lives. 
Difference of Age Forty-Nine Years—continued. 
n Corte _ Curtate 
“Xpectaling, Number of Living. Sum of Living Expectation, 
No, n ; Decrement. at Higher Ages. Nour,im 
Ages. ln. ny Ebb 
n,m Dia, my Im. by —Impq my Nu, m Di, my 
13.80 44 & 93 259092 70012 733002 2.83 
2.04 45.. 94 159080 49370 513922 2.889 
nl 46.. 95 139710 34186 404212 2.89 
3.30 47.. 96 105524 24146 298688 2.83 
0a 48... 97 81378 18966 217310 2.67 
%.18 49.. 98 62412 14045 154898 2.48 
Lh 50.. 99 48367 9325 106531 2.20 
La 51..100 | 39042 9110 67489 1.73 
Lid 52..101 29932 8877 37357 1.25 
4.0 53..102 21055 8626 16502 78 
0.5 54..103 12426 8356 107° 
Wr 55..104 4073 4073 
i om 
Difference of Age Fifty Years. 
Li i 
. ” op Curtate 
i Number of Living. Sum of Living Expectation, 
for Ages. Lil Decrement. at Higher Ages. Now, ms 
a Dy! : bm, Im, Ip g1.tmy 41 Now, my Ds, mn) 
0 & 50 43970000 7266182 588581654 13.39 
1.91 36703818 3440814 532177836 15.04 
Des D3 33263004 2632190 518914832 15.60 
Jes 33 30630814 1635100 488284018 15.94 
od 4... Hd 28992714 1308533 459291304 15.84 
3..755 27684181 980181 431607123 15.59 
6. 30 26704000 829144 404903123 15.16 
Zvs 37 23574856 763544 379028267 14.65 
8.. 58 25¥11312 769055 353916955 14.09 
13 9.. 39 24342257 808477 329574698 13.54 
: 10.. 60 23533780 890229 306040918 13.00 
11.. 61 22643551 915551 283397367 12.52 
12.. 62 21728000 917376 261669367 12.04 
Wi 13.. 63 20810624 899719 240558743 11.57 
1.9 14.. 64 19910905 897505 220947838 11.10 
1 15.. 83 19013400 894066 201931438 10.62 
16.. 66 18119334 88645 183815104 10.14 
17.. 67 17232849 878801 166582255 9.66 
18.. 68 16354048 865223 150228207 9.19 
Lo 19..:69 15485825 863735 134742382 8.70 
20..:70 14622090 853071 120120292 83.22 
21.» 7] 13769019 900304 106351273 772 
22.472 12868715 960604 93482558 7.26 
23..:73 11908111 1007550 81574447 6.84 

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