Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Carlisle Rate of Mortality for Two Joint Lives. 
Difference of Age Fifty Years—continued. 
_— Curtate 
Number of Living. Sum of Living Expectation, 
Aes. Zi. Io, Decrement. at Higher Ages. Na, my 
Dy, my bn . bn, = ln oy Ny, my Di, my 
21& 74 10900561 10563236 70673886 6.48 
25.. 75 9847325 1005785 60826561 6.18 
26.. 76 £841540 968853 51985021 5.88 
27.77 | 7872687 900363 44112334 5.60 
28.. 78 6972324 812786 37140010 | 5.33 ? 
29.. 79 6159538 782712 30980472 5.03 
30.. 80 5376826 702181 25613646 4.76 
21... 81 4674645 666845 20929001 4.48 i 
32.. 82 4007800 598744 16921201 4.22 
33.. 83 3469056 543463 13512145 3.96 
34.. 84 2865593 479503 10646552 3.72 
35.. 85 2386090 438421 8260462 3.46 
36.. 86 1947669 393373 6312793 3.24 Io. 
37: 87 1554296 349238 4758197 3.06 
38.. 88 1205008 275392 3553459 2.9 N.. 
39.. 89 929616 208966 2623873 v2.82 ry 
40.. 90 720650 194705 1903223 2.64 a. 
11.791 3525945 155445 1377278 2.62 “.. 
42.. 92 370500 107574 1006778 2.72 
43... 93 262926 71006 743852 2.83 3 
44.. 94 191920 50110 551932 2.88 
45.. 95 141810 34699 410122 2.89 
46.. 96 107111 21527 303011 2.83 
47.. 97 82584 19290 220427 2.67 
48.. 98 63204 14256 157133 2.48 
49.. 99 49038 9455 108095 2.20 
50..100 39573 9207 68522 1.73 
51..101 30366 8986 38156 1.26 = 
52..102 213:0 8747 16776 78 
53..103 12633 8490 4143 «33 3 
54..104 4143 4143 ’ 
Difference of Age Fifty-One Years. 
4 tei Curtate 
Number of Living, Sum of Living at Expectation. 
Avast Lil Decrement. Higher Ages. Nom, my 
Coch me my ete TE tn 
Don. me ln. In, ~ling1-bny 41 Noa. mi Dan. my 
0& 51 43380000 7200764 562547615 12.97 
1.. 52 36179236 3421867 526368379 14.55 
2.253 32757369 2621187 493611010 15.07 
3.. 64 30136182 1633328 463474828 15.3% 
4.. 55 28502854 1314854 434971974 15.26 

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